• Hello,
    I have been struggling with an issue in the “Responsive Theme”
    of WordPress. My issue has to do with the search box. I have tried several things but have not been able to find something that will work.

    I also have bbPress forum installed on the web site which also is complicating the issue.

    I am not a designer or developer, just a 62 year old handicapped person trying to develop a web site so that former patients of a hospital can reconnect. This site is:


    The search that comes with WordPress apparently does not search the comments section. The comments section is another issue that I can not figure out and would love to find out how it works. In addition the search does not search the bbPress forum.

    What I am trying to accomplish is a search that will look at my entire site, include comments, bbPress, posts and all other content.

    I have tried several plug-ins including Relevanssi, installed a
    Google search, but nothing seems to work correctly.

    I have spent countless hours trying to find something close to the search box used in a PDF file. in a PDF file, if you click on find
    a box will come up allowing one to type in your words and it will inform you how many matches have been found. It also gives you the option to go to the next match.

    Would anyone be able to help me? I want to complete this while I’m still alive. I am not the brightest bulb in the pack.

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