Thanks for this. It took me a while, but I finally managed to figure it out. On the page is a statement to which organizations would agree. They fill out the form and what shows is Organization/location/Website (although we do ask for their email).
My problem was that the code to show the list is shown as something different in a couple of places. I found this, which worked:
This is what I sent to seb on October 8th:
I have the form on the home page. It works perfectly.
But I want the list to appear on the Signers page. All that is showing is:
These are the organizations that have signed this petition:
[yawpp-signs-“ID de la pétition”]
The code shows as code, not as a list of signers (there is only one at the moment)
Does both pieces of code have to appear on the same page?
Even if I put them on the same page the code shows… no text
[yawpp-signs-“ID de la pétition”]
[yawpp-num-signs-“ID de la pétition”]
All I can do for now is to make the font white ??
I hope you can help me. Merci beaucoup!
I have posted this on the forum, but it does not look as if you go there often
Anyways, since I found the correct shortcode, all is now well. Thank you.