hello Bet
many many thanks for the reply. great to hear from you
see the page https://www.literaturen.org – see the feeds on the left side: kulturnachrichten
[hungryfeed url=”” max_items=”5″] limitiert auf 5 items.
[hungryfeed url=”https://verysimple.com/feed” max-items=”10″]
[hungryfeed url=”https://www.faz.net/rss/aktuell/feuilleton” max-items=”10″]
well every time i try to set up the feeds according the last mentioned – get a “fallback” to the feeds of verysimple
i do not know why this is so
above all – i really love the hungryfeed-rss-plugin it looks impressive and i am sure that it is very very powerful
but at the moment i am not able to configure it.
if any body can help me here i would be glad
bet if you are willing to help me i can send you the login credentials