• Nothing I try works, so it’s impossible for me to ask a direct question here. My problem is that the credit / debit card button doesn’t render, but more broadly, it might just all alternative payments that would show on the bottom of the checkout page.

    For example, on the top of the checkout page, the paypal express button shows. I haven’t really tested it much bc I could do without it honestly, but when I did, it worked. The google pay button has also shown, but that might have been via a different plugin.

    On the lower half of checkout, it will ONLY show PayPal. There isn’t even a radio button because it’s PayPal or nothing. Once the user inputs their info you can “proceed to paypal” and THEN pay with debit/credit via the PayPal modal, but I need the SEPARATE CC BUTTON.

    Initial Attempts

    I added this plugin for a client who already has a business account. On the PayPal account, The API created by woocommerce during account connection has vault enabled by default and it is grayed out (in my PayPal settings – I understand why it’s grayed out while Stand Card Processing is enabled – if there’s one thing the documentation makes clear it’s that – BUT it doesn’t elaborate if having this feature enabled in PayPal can cause issues when you’re not using Advanced Card Processing. Could this be effecting things?

    The account was quickly approved for advanced processing, but unfortunately, after checking the box to include credit cards and selecting advance processing, I couldn’t connect/activate the account because Japan isn’t listed as an option within the country/region drop down in the PayPal modal – despite it being listed on PayPals website.

    Other times I click “Enable Advanced” and I’m just taken to the PayPal dashboard for the business account. What does that mean!!?

    Nonetheless, I figured I’d settle for the standard processing since I could still have the seperate Credit Card Button, but it just doesn’t show…no matter what I do.

    Payment Plugins for PayPal WooCommerce
    (different plugin that does the same thing??)

    I tried another plugin, “Payment Plugin for PayPal WooCommerce” and my radio buttons came back on the checkout page bc now I can toggle between the two PayPal account (that do the same thing). But still no credit card option.

    However, with this plugin I finally got my first glimpse at the SEPARATE credit card button. It will show only on the cart page, but still not the checkout. BUT, when I clicked the button on the cart page, it opens a dropdown with input fields for credit info (like it is supposed to do for Advance Card Processing on this plugin) BUT BUT, everything is grayed out and cannot be interacted with. I mention this because hopefully it can give insight into the root of the issue.

    Other Troubleshooting Attempts
    ? Clearing the plugin and starting fresh with new API’s
    ? Created a more sandbox accounts (some USA instead of Japan)
    ? Disabled all themes
    ? Installed & activated the WooCommerce default shop theme
    ? Disabled just about all my plugins
    ? Adding code to my child theme function.php – hoping to enable Japan as an option in the PayPal modal drop down menu when prompted to log into PayPal after clicking “Enable Advanced Card Processing” in the plugin – it was a long shot..
    ? Read pages and pages of documentation (PayPal & WooCommerce)
    ? Watched countless tutorials – which always just works by connecting their paypal account within WooCommerce.

    Other Leads
    I read another thread where someone mentioned the button appears once the “PayPal Card Processing method is disabled” but I don’t know where this option is that they are referencing. Idk if it’s a PayPal setting, a PayPal Developer setting, a WordPress settings, a WooCommerce setting, a “PayPal Payments” setting, a “PayPal Checkout” settings.
    The naming for all these plugin & features are brutal btw…you never know what anyone’s talking about, unless you already know what they’re talking about.

    One Final Clarification
    To be clear, PayPal “smart buttons” are part of this plugin correct? All the documentation on PayPal’s site is relevant to Java SDK – which I thought is only required for those who are coding themselves – or is this required in a circumstances?

    please help.

Viewing 8 replies - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Hola, I’m not part of PayPal support but have you attempted to try out another version of the plugin.

    At the moment version 2.5.3 works for me, I will be updating soon but knowing I can downgrade the plugin is a relief.

    Go to this link then scroll down and select a version to download or look for the Advance View link on the right side of the plugin page. Hope this helps.


    Also I have had instances with other plugins that clearing out the data does not infact clear out the data at the database level. The paid version which is lifetime of Advanced Database Cleaner by Younes JFR. really worked out for me in those situations.

    Plugin Support Krystian from Syde


    Hello @antgo213

    For example, on the top of the checkout page, the paypal express button shows. I haven’t really tested it much bc I could do without it honestly, but when I did, it worked. The google pay button has also shown, but that might have been via a different plugin.

    On the lower half of checkout, it will ONLY show PayPal. There isn’t even a radio button because it’s PayPal or nothing. Once the user inputs their info you can “proceed to paypal” and THEN pay with debit/credit via the PayPal modal, but I need the SEPARATE CC BUTTON.

    Based on the information you shared, it appears that your site is currently using a block system. The key issue here is that currently, our plugin doesn’t support all features in block checkout. Specifically, only PayPal Express buttons, Pay Later, Venmo, Apple Pay, & Google Pay buttons can be used on the Block Cart and the Block Express Checkout, as detailed in our documentation?here.

    To ensure full compatibility with all features of our plugin, I recommend changing your checkout page to the Classic Checkout. Here are the steps to do this:

    1. Go to the “Edit page”.
    2. Click on the three horizontal dots in the right corner.
    3. Choose “Code editor”.
    4. Remove any existing code.
    5. Enter [woocommerce_checkout]

    You can see what the appearance will be like in this visual guide. Additionally, a video guide with step-by-step instructions is available for your convenience. If you do this, also make sure you activate the buttons that are required for this checkout page in the settings page of our plugin, under the “Standard Payment” tab:


    (in this example, I activated all buttons for all locations).

    We’re currently working on making all payment methods available with block checkouts. However, we’re facing some limitations with customizing the “Place Order” button in block checkout right now. PayPal’s use of custom iframe buttons for payment processing is unique among payment providers, which presents unique challenges for us. We plan to enhance PayPal Payments with smart buttons on block checkout in June 2024.

    The account was quickly approved for advanced processing, but unfortunately, after checking the box to include credit cards and selecting advance processing, I couldn’t connect/activate the account because Japan isn’t listed as an option within the country/region drop down in the PayPal modal – despite it being listed on PayPals website.

    Other times I click “Enable Advanced” and I’m just taken to the PayPal dashboard for the business account. What does that mean!!?

    Nonetheless, I figured I’d settle for the standard processing since I could still have the seperate Credit Card Button, but it just doesn’t show…no matter what I do.

    Foremost, we would like to clarify some doubts if Advanced Card Processing is actually enabled on your account. To do that, we need a full system report which contains details of our plugin. You can copy the log files from here:
    – WooCommerce > Status > Get system report > Copy for support.

    Please provide those log entries on our PrivateBin. After uploading, please send us the link, so we can review them in detail.

    However, as I mentioned in your review message, the country you select in the PayPal popup during the merchant account connection process doesn’t matter.

    To be clear, PayPal “smart buttons” are part of this plugin correct? All the documentation on PayPal’s site is relevant to Java SDK – which I thought is only required for those who are coding themselves – or is this required in a circumstances?

    There is no need of any additional coding, but seems like the core of the problem is block checkout. Currently, when editing the checkout page block in the WordPress editor, there’s a compatibility notice indicating that some payment methods (like ACDC and BCDC when using a separate gateway) may not be supported. However, we’re working on improving the compatibility information within the plugin settings to help users make more informed decisions about their checkout configurations.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter antgo213


    Hi Krystian,

    I really appreciate the thoroughness of your response. I ended up switching to an alternative plugin that worked.

    I believe you are correct that the issue stems from this block system. I read the screenshotted snippet from the documentation when I was troubleshooting; I must have read this before I understood the lingo (smart buttons, blocks, etc). But to be fair it does state exactly what I’m describing and clearly says it’s not supported.

    This is so very odd…I tried exactly what you suggested when I was troubleshooting, and the button didn’t show. But now I can see the debit card button…still nothing happens when clicked but it’s progress…….maybe?

    I did change the Woocommerce setting from “High-performance order storage (recommended)” to the legacy and enabled compatibility mode as per recommendation from another user. Maybe this has something to do with it?

    What do you mean when you say you question whether Adnvaced Checkout was enabled? To be clear I was never able to enable Advanced checkout bc when i activate my paypal account via the plugin with advanced checked, the page reloads and the options are disabled. When I click enable, i am redirected to my paypal dashboard, but nothing is ackomplished or changed.

    I thought this was bc I selected United States when my account is Japan based, but you said this doesn’t matter, so it’s even more odd.

    Not sure wehre to go from here..I would still prefer using the Advanced checkout if possible.

    I’ve actually found the shortcode verision of the checkout page solved some bugs I was experiencing when using the block version (guests were not receiving their course after purchase). So i wouldn’t mind switching from it, if it means the paypal plugin would work, but that’s still not clear as the credit card button is still not interactive.

    • This reply was modified 5 months ago by antgo213.
    Thread Starter antgo213


    I’ve continued testing and trying to get this to work. I have a feeling a the country is bugging out the connection. When I disabled my sandbox account and created a new US account, the connection synced everything perfectly fine.

    I really think the country is breaking it.

    When logging in with a Japan account, but selecting United States, the login window reloads the page with Japan selected from the dropdown (where it previously didn’t exist as an option). Could it be possible that the only way to proceed with Japan selected is via the Standard Payment Processing option, so it forces me down that login flow..?

    Plugin Support Krystian from Syde


    Hello @antgo213

    I believe the system report, especially the site URL, will help clarify any confusion for both of us. Without it, analyzing the problem is always a bit more challenging.

    What do you mean when you say you question whether Adnvaced Checkout was enabled? To be clear I was never able to enable Advanced checkout bc when i activate my paypal account via the plugin with advanced checked, the page reloads and the options are disabled. When I click enable, i am redirected to my paypal dashboard, but nothing is ackomplished or changed.
    I thought this was bc I selected United States when my account is Japan based, but you said this doesn’t matter, so it’s even more odd.
    Not sure wehre to go from here..I would still prefer using the Advanced checkout if possible.

    It seems there might be some confusion about the country select dropdown in the PayPal popup. However, the country selected in this step does not affect the ability to log in; users can log in regardless of their choice.

    Please take a look: https://f005.backblazeb2.com/file/Inpsyde/upload/2024/05/chrome_ZheQMEHnqT.mp4

    I’ve actually found the shortcode verision of the checkout page solved some bugs I was experiencing when using the block version (guests were not receiving their course after purchase). So i wouldn’t mind switching from it, if it means the paypal plugin would work, but that’s still not clear as the credit card button is still not interactive.

    Regarding Advanced Card Processing support on the new block checkout (the default one), this will be included in the 2.8.0 June update?https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-paypal-payments/pull/2246

    Should you require any further assistance or have additional questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter antgo213


    I’m looking forward to that update. It may be just in time for our launch – now if I can just get the Advanced Processing Enabled I’d be set *knock*

    I’ve actually (for the first time) gotten a sandbox account to properly work. After I “activated” the sandbox with Advance Processing selected, when Woocommerce refreshed, advanced card processing was Enabled. But in this screen recording it’s not – hopefully you can watch that.

    The URL is empower-village.com/checkout

    Thanks again for the feedback. If the video & URL don’t help with clarify, I’ll follow ur instructions for the system report – it just seems very involved as I’m not that the most technical user.

    Thanks again for the feedback

    Thread Starter antgo213


    I’ll upload the status report, but here’s a glimpse. I noticed the webhook simulate button and clicked it and got an error. I resubscribed and simulated again and it worked. Unfortunately this didn’t solve the problem, as I don’t think it was always an issue. I “cleared data” and deactivated and deleted the plugin and reinstalled, but the account info was still there so it wasn’t a true fresh start.

    WooCommerce PayPal Payments

    Onboarded: ?
    Shop country code: JP
    WooCommerce currency supported: ?
    Advanced Card Processing available in country: ?
    Pay Later messaging available in country: –
    Webhook status: ?
    PayPal Vault enabled: –
    ACDC Vault enabled: –
    Logging enabled: –
    Reference Transactions: –
    Used PayPal Checkout plugin: –
    Subscriptions Mode: Disabled

    Plugin Support Femi


    Hello @antgo213

    Could you please confirm if this issue persists with version 2.8.0?


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