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  • WPyogi


    General WordPress info here:

    For theme-specific questions, you’ll need to contact the vendor or developer of your theme as we only support themes from the repository on this site and your theme does not appear to be from there.

    Theme Name: Mondo Zen Theme
    Theme URI:
    Description: A green and white pastel tones,
    Thread Starter [email protected]


    Can I call someone? I just need to know how to access the webpage that lets me edit the text and publish new text? I simply want to change some dates and the link you sent was not helpful as I still do not understand how to access my webpage to edit it. I am sure this is very simple I am just not very computer savy.



    Can I call someone?

    Not unless you chose to hire someone. WordPress is free software and this free, volunteer-staffed forum is the only support resource available via However, the support forums are meant for the core application, themes and plugins that are distributed on We do not support themes downloaded from elsewhere.

    Contact whoever developed your theme.



    No, the only support we offer is on these forums. That link has lots of good information about how to use WordPress. As to changing specific things on your site, that may be a theme specific question. We don’t have any information about the theme you are using.



    i am also new and try alot to edit webpages like joomla. articles(in joomla) not found. i cound not found anything in main controll panel. can some one tell me whats means of

    i try to edit but no pages found. no data found but site is working



    Hello Sdny,
    When clicking on the link to your site, it says that your domain has expired. You might want to check and see that all is well with your domain provider.



    its working please check this

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