• Anthony


    So far I love the plugin as well. Not really a technical question just need some insight. I got hired to take over a website. I installed this plugin, however, the plugin is giving me a message that it needs to be activated to fully install. Unfortunately, the old administrator’s email address in WP was still active which is required to be activated. They are no longer around. I tried to change the email address to mine but WP failed to send me an email for activating the new email address (waited (30 plus min). So now I am stuck…suggestions?

    Lastly, will the table look different in a browser as opposed to the builder? Every time I preview the table and the table widths do not look the same as they do in the builder or is that the result of the plugin not being fully installed?

    I love this plugin I just wish I could use it at its full strength. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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  • Plugin Contributor erdembircan


    Hello @freddyboy377,

    We will suggest a full install in order to truly use every aspect of the plugin. A broken install will cause some vital files to be not at server so your tables will not act and look as they should be, especially that is the case for CSS and js files that is being served for front-end.

    For minor layout changes at fron-tend, as you may guess, front-end part of WordPress is open to so many effects, themes, plugins, you name it. Even though, we are loading all the necessary theme files at builder to reflect how your table will look like in your theme, on front-end minor layout changes may occur. Because, we can not reflect the container that your content will be put into. Some themes allow all the space post content needs, and some themes, if you check our support thread, will squish their content to as low as 350px spaces for tablet view while there is still extra width space that your content can use. And even some plugins may have a css rule that will add extra padding to your table cells, which will make your table look even bigger. So that kind of different width options may occur. But, that doesn’t mean we can not do anything. Even though, it is out of the bounds of our plugin, we still give solutions to that kind of situations with custom CSS codes and guide our users to form their tables in a different way. You can check out for that kind of solutions at our support forums. Because, we believe, only way to grow and make a better plugin, is only possible with the help of our users.

    Best regards.

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