• Resolved Jean Paul


    Downloaded – check

    Uploaded – check

    Activated – check

    This widget has been deprecated, and should no longer be used.

    If you would like to continue to use the eNews widget functionality, please install this plugin and replace this widget with the Genesis eNews Extended widget.

    Delete | Close

    What i’m doing wrong ?

    Thank you and best regards


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  • Plugin Author Brandon Kraft


    Code Wrangler


    After installing the plugin, you’ll see two eNews widgets (“Genesis eNews” and “Genesis eNews Extended”)

    Genesis eNews is what was shipped with Genesis that will be removed completely when version 2.0 comes out in the next week or so.

    Genesis eNews Extended is the one from this plugin that takes the place of the older, depreciated one.

    Hope that helps!

    Thread Starter Jean Paul


    Thank you for your time Brandon . I think i’m too old and i need glasses , now i see it . Case solved and you are doing a great job.

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