• viranovin


    Hi, I wanna add a snippet from codepen tpp my wordpress website. i add the html css and javascript to my website inline. but my website appriance been messed up. this is the pen that i want to add to my site: https://codepen.io/gayane-gasparyan/pen/jOmaBQK

    when i put the code in site it didnt work. i wanna ad this pen to this page of my website: [ redundant link removed ]

    also i cant put anything like text,picture,video,… in this card. is there anyone to help me?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • threadi


    With WP Bakery you use a commercial PageBuilder to enter the content of your website. Please contact their support to resolve your issue: https://support.wpbakery.com/ – questions about commercial products are not allowed in the forum.

    Thread Starter viranovin


    i use elementor before WP Bakery but i have this issue also.



    Currently, the content of the page you mentioned is apparently managed with WP Bakery. Therefore, their support would be your 1st point of contact. If you want to use Elementor, you can contact their support here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/elementor/

    Moderator bcworkz


    Generally speaking, you cannot place inline code into WP post editors, it’ll more than likely become corrupted. There may be an exception to the rule for a particular editor, but it’s probably best to avoid using the post editor for code in all cases. CSS code can be added to the Additional CSS section of the customizer or style book. Or it can be placed in an external file and enqueued with PHP.

    JS code is usually placed in an external file and the file is also enqueued with PHP code. PHP code can go in functions.php of your theme or preferably child theme, or your own custom plugin. If no custom templates are involved, a plugin is easier to create than a child theme.

    If you JS code is not too extensive and does not have any dependencies, instead of placing it in an enqueued file, you could output it directly from the “wp_print_scripts” action hook using PHP.

    Note that code added using these techniques will be applied to all WP pages unless you take measures to limit its application.

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