• Resolved nmssorg


    I am working with wordpress “frontier post” plugin to add the post by user from the front end.

    Now i need to add one of “taxonomy” named “Postlist” like a category to add in this plugin.
    i need as follows…
    1. Author can create postlist from the frontend.
    2. All Postlist created by the author is availabe to show like show Author category.
    Exmple :
    Author A created three postlist
    ->Crazy Jokes

    Author B created three postlist
    ->Data Structure
    ->Santa Banta Jokes

    So now when Author A add new post they will show only JAVA,ANdroid,Crazy jokes for select as a postlist.
    and also same for the Author B.

    3. This postlist id is atteched with Author id
    4. Shortcode is availabe to show Author Postlists.
    Author A Name
    This author have three postlist
    Java(15) -> 15 are the number of post create by the user in this postlist
    Android(6) -> 6 are the number of post create by the user in this postlist
    Crazy Jokes(20) -> 20 are the number of post create by the user in this postlist

    Author B Name
    This author have three postlist
    Java(18) -> 18 are the number of post create by the user in this postlist
    Data Structure(9) -> 9 are the number of post create by the user in this postlist
    Santa Banta Jokes(45) -> 45 are the number of post create by the user in this postlist

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  • Plugin Author finnj


    I am not absolutely sure what you are asking.

    I do not have the bandwith to help you setup everything, this is a free plugin ??

    You can start with the documentation found on https://www.wpfrontier.com, start looking at shortcodes:

    Generally this forum is for reporting bugs, but if you have specific questions I will try to help

    Thread Starter nmssorg


    Please take a look of youtube playlist.
    Then you will better understand. what i want to do.

    Here user can create there own playlist. and categories are fixed by the youtube..
    My postlist is similar to the youtube playlist.
    Please help….

    Thread Starter nmssorg


    Hiii finnj.

    You have not answered my question.. Please help

    Plugin Author finnj


    As i said before, i am sorry but I do not have the bandwith to this kind of support – I wish I had the time

    This is a gree plugin, that i do and support in my spare time

    Thread Starter nmssorg


    Can you please tell me about the monetization of the post.
    This plugin have a filter of the abusing etc.
    Like when any user post from the frontend this post will be filtered by out list of abusing keyword and if any of abusing keyword exist in the post content( Heading + Post Content ) then this post status will be gone to pending.

    Can you please help me ?

    Plugin Author finnj


    You can implement additional validations, but it will require coding and wordpress filters/actions.

    There is a simple example here: https://wpfrontier.com/frontier-post-actions-hooks/

    Again this example is provided as inspiration and require coding skills, I can not support this, sorry

    // This goes into functions.php
    // check if categories are empty or only contains default category - if so set status to draft and issue a warning message
    function fp_cat_validation($tmp_post, $tmp_task_new, $_POST )
        $tmp_cat = array_key_exists('post_category', $tmp_post) ? $tmp_post['post_category'] : array();
      if (count($tmp_cat) == 0)
        $tmp_post['post_status'] = 'draft';
        frontier_post_set_msg("Warning: Category is empty, please select category - Status set to draft");
      if (count($tmp_cat) == 1 && $tmp_cat[0] == get_option("default_category"))
        $tmp_post['post_status'] = 'draft';
        frontier_post_set_msg("Warning: Category is set to: ".get_cat_name(get_option("default_category")).", please select category - Status set to draft");
      return $tmp_post;
    add_filter('frontier_post_pre_update', 'fp_cat_validation',10,3);
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