• Tag pages. By default wordpress havnt give meta description/MEta keywords in tag pages.

    What i want is suppose . https://www.xyz.com/tag123

    tag123 is tag page.

    I want like this in my page source for tag pages only not in post page or Category pages :

    What i want is suppose . https://www.xyz.com/tag123

    <title> Tag123 Offer Xyz Products </title>
    <meta name=”description” content=”Tag123 Offer Xyz Products which give tag123 and blahablaha “/>
    <meta name=”keywords” content=”tag123,abcd ,efgh,xzy)

    All meta description and keyword are fixed except the “Tag123”.

    how can i do that..

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  • I am also new to wordpress and noticed that there is a big learning curve with regard to on page SEO editing. Static pages seem to be much simplier than wordpress with regard to this.

    Can someone point me to a plug-in or tutorials that will assist me with editing all meta tags(h1,description,etc.) on all my pages/blogs?I already have “all in one SEO” installed but there is not much help there with an explanation on editing.

    Thank you

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