***i want to delete table totally..**
although i delete you table, votes_number and rating is remain.. -_-
for me..if i can change two part, it’s good. but i can’t controll it. so i’ll delete table totally and rebuild your tables….
1. review_type varchar(10) -> varchar(30)
2. update review type anywhere…
i’m not handy with programming..haha
1. at first i want to change your review_type varchar(10) -> varchar(30)
im using bitnami..and i can’t access phpmyadmin..sorry…so can’t change it.
2. i have a idea using your review_type to others.
when new votes occur, It work well..
$new_row_result=$wpdb->replace (
array (
‘post_id’ => $post_id,
‘number_of_votes’ => $number_of_votes,
‘sum_votes’ => $rating,
‘review_type’ => $tag or etc..
array (‘%d’, “%d” ,”%s”, “%s”)
but, below is wrong.
array (
‘number_of_votes’ => $number_of_votes,
‘sum_votes’ => $user_votes_sum
array (
‘post_id’ => $post_id,
‘review_type’ => $tags
array(‘%d’, ‘%s’ ),
array( ‘%d’,’%s’)
so, i want to delete your plugin and data totally.
or change your two part