• Hey there everybody,

    I am new to wordpress and I am working on customizing the iA3 theme.
    Sorry if the question is stupid for you, but I really don’t know how to do this.

    I’d like to have on one of my pages the left-side block that it’s by default on the index page, in order to have there a navigation or anyway some links.

    How can I get that whole HTML block to display on other pages? I thought it’s logical to apply to the page I am building the same template the home page has, but I don’t seem to find out how to do that.

    If anyone could help me out, it would be highly appreciated,

    thanx a lot


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  • You mean the iA3 interface in the dashboard? Yes I did. But the “contact” area I left empty, and I removed a chunch of space from the footer, the chunch which includes a search bar. That’s the inc-footer.php (or similar) template.

    I spent a month in SA in December, 2009. My father-in-law is from Johannesburg. We went there, Cape Town, Durban, Hoedspruit, and Southbroom. A good tour, I think.


    I love this theme, seriously I do. The best, leanest thing out there. But when it comes to modifying it, I tend to be conservative, since I’m not a programmer.

    Looking at the source code on your page – I see at least one thing that’s odd :
    <!– G6.GS#footerOne –>
    You have the closing of this div or whatever it’s called – / precedes any closing, but no opening.

    So your hacking of the footer has orphaned some lines – this may or may not make problems, but I’d be safe and restore the footer php file from disk… and any other.
    Your footer can be very lean (https://www.lucidpictures.co.za/) without hacking anything.

    Anyway, I wish you the best with it – and what a coincidence your father in law being from here!


    I’m using the iA3 theme and am trying to make the nav menu line items right-aligned (using a RTL language font), but when I do that, the arrows stay on the left. Anyone know how to remove them?

    Hi together,

    Luke, I read that you are kind of an expert for the Ia3 theme…I′m building my new website with it. I try to customize the Fancybox css to show the image title inside the fancybox…you know how to achieve this?

    see an example here:

    Also, with the new theme version (1.2.1.) the Fancybox is not working any more. I reverted to 1.1.1…what could be the reason for this?

    Big Thanks for any help!

    sorry, wrong link, here is the correct one:



    Since there are some experts present here, I might as well post a question I have. My header is having different sizes over my various pages. Here’s the link: Advendo. On home, the header-text is bigger. But if you go to the ‘contact’ page, the header-text is normal. Can anyone explain that to me? And where can I change it, because I haven’t found it yet.


    Hi harmvanegmond,

    I cant se that your header have diffrent size on your pages? Problem solved? Otherwise i can help you.

    Hi everyone,

    I hope that this might help setting up a gallery with the iA3 theme.

    First of all, the gallery.php template is not a template per se. You can refer to it in order to set up your own template using the default template drop down option.

    Now, if you notice the code in this template:

    <ul class="containsGallery">
    <li class="G1"><a href="https://www.placeholder-image.com/image/288x288" rel="gallery-1"><img alt="" src="https://www.placeholder-image.com/image/142x142" title="" /></a></li>
    <li class="G1"><a href="https://www.placeholder-image.com/image/288x288" rel="gallery-1"><img alt="" src="https://www.placeholder-image.com/image/142x142" title="" /></a></li>
    <li class="G1"><a href="https://www.placeholder-image.com/image/288x288" rel="gallery-1"><img alt="" src="https://www.placeholder-image.com/image/142x142" title="" /></a></li>
    <li class="G1"><a href="https://www.placeholder-image.com/image/288x288" rel="gallery-1"><img alt="" src="https://www.placeholder-image.com/image/142x142" title="" /></a></li>
    <li class="G1"><a href="https://www.placeholder-image.com/image/288x288" rel="gallery-1"><img alt="" src="https://www.placeholder-image.com/image/142x142" title="" /></a></li>
    <li class="G1"><a href="https://www.placeholder-image.com/image/288x288" rel="gallery-1"><img alt="" src="https://www.placeholder-image.com/image/142x142" title="" /></a></li>
    <li class="G1"><a href="https://www.placeholder-image.com/image/288x288" rel="gallery-1"><img alt="" src="https://www.placeholder-image.com/image/142x142" title="" /></a></li>
    <li class="G1"><a href="https://www.placeholder-image.com/image/288x288" rel="gallery-1"><img alt="" src="https://www.placeholder-image.com/image/142x142" title="" /></a></li>
    </ul><!-- .containsGallery -->

    …you have an unordered list with a class .containsGallery. This is the key to trigger fancybox lightbox effect.

    Why? Well, if you look into the code of the ia3.jsfile, you will notice this line:

    {jQuery(".containsGallery a,.eStore-thumbnail a, a.enlarge").fancybox [...]

    What does this thing say? It says that if you have an anchor a under an element with the containsGallery class, it will be fancyboxed! The same goes with eStore-thumbnail, obviously a class specific to the Information Architects Web site, but most of all, if you look at the third option, any anchor that has the enlarge class: a.enlarge.

    So, if you want to have a fancybox effect, just put the enlarge class to any anchor, and it will be triggered.

    Ok, now that we know that, you might have tried it just using the gallery.php template without changing anything to it; you might have clicked on a thumbnail, and you might have noticed that nothing happened except for the little spinning icon. The reason: https://www.placeholder-image.com/image/288x288 produces no image, as far as I understand. Try this: repace all those lines by https://dummyimage.com/288x288/000/fff.jpg (Dummy Image being another of those free placeholder image service on the Web), and you will see that it works fine.

    Now back to our original question: how do we set up a gallery with the iA3 theme? The short answer, by hard coding it in a WordPress page.

    1. Create a new page, and use the default template (yea, i know, kind of confusing);
    2. Use the htmltab;
    3. Create your gallery with the links to you images, and do not specify any width or height (the CSS will take care of it);
    4. Make sure that the ul above has the containsGallery class;
    5. For a one column width, use G1 (it is a column grid structure, i presume that it means Grid 1), for a two column grid, G2, and so forth;

    I hope that this might have helped a bit.

    You want to try it, just cut and paste this code in your WordPress page editor, and preview, you will see for yourself:

    <h1>Category Name</h1>
    <ul class="containsGallery">
    <li class="G1"><a href="https://dummyimage.com/600x600/000/fff.jpg" rel="gallery-1"><img alt="" src="https://dummyimage.com/420x420/ddd/fafafa.jpg" title="" /></a></li>
    <li class="G1"><a href="https://dummyimage.com/600x600/000/fff.jpg" rel="gallery-1"><img alt="" src="https://dummyimage.com/420x420/ddd/fafafa.jpg" title="" /></a></li>
    <li class="G1"><a href="https://dummyimage.com/600x600/000/fff.jpg" rel="gallery-1"><img alt="" src="https://dummyimage.com/420x420/ddd/fafafa.jpg" title="" /></a></li>
    <li class="G1"><a href="https://dummyimage.com/600x600/000/fff.jpg" rel="gallery-1"><img alt="" src="https://dummyimage.com/420x420/ddd/fafafa.jpg" title="" /></a></li>
    <li class="G1"><a href="https://dummyimage.com/600x600/000/fff.jpg" rel="gallery-1"><img alt="" src="https://dummyimage.com/420x420/ddd/fafafa.jpg" title="" /></a></li>
    <li class="G1"><a href="https://dummyimage.com/600x600/000/fff.jpg" rel="gallery-1"><img alt="" src="https://dummyimage.com/420x420/ddd/fafafa.jpg" title="" /></a></li>
    <li class="G1"><a href="https://dummyimage.com/600x600/000/fff.jpg" rel="gallery-1"><img alt="" src="https://dummyimage.com/420x420/ddd/fafafa.jpg" title="" /></a></li>
    <li class="G1"><a href="https://dummyimage.com/600x600/000/fff.jpg" rel="gallery-1"><img alt="" src="https://dummyimage.com/420x420/ddd/fafafa.jpg" title="" /></a></li>
    </ul><!-- .containsGallery -->


    You rock! Wow, that explains a lot. I still may keep my plugin, however, since it means not having to write in the name of each image one by one by hand. I have a lot of them. But for anyone with not a lot of images, this is a great fix.


    …oh, and if I may add to this, the gallery option has been disabled in iA3.


    Unavailable in the Media Library, hence no gallery shortcode. This should be fixed.

    Can anyone help with the new issue of theme compatibility with the most recent versions of WordPress (3.1.1 – 3.1.3) I am hoping through these posts to get the work out to people who are keeping the iA3 theme updated and current.



    ~ Kit

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