Your main calendar feed is <yoursite>/events.ics
You can access iCal feeds with placeholders for:
Single event: #_EVENTICALLINK
Events for one location feed: #_LOCATIONICALLINK
Events for one Category feed: #_CATEGORYICALLINK
Events for one Tag feed: #_TAGICALFEED
You can find url and other variations on the placeholders documentation page in support.
One note when working with the iCal feed (I have thousands of events) – you can choose the scope of your feed under events – settings- events. Near the bottom you’ll have options for what is included. I have current and next month. All events or longer future horizons were too big of a drag on my server. But if you have less events you could include all or longer scopes.
Realistically no one is going to subscribe to my whole calendar, but might use a category or location feed.