• ofi


    Just installed latest version of wordpress 2.3.3, i am going to add in Icelandic file https://wordpress.is/uppsetning
    i uploded the is_IS.mo lang file to wp-wp-includes/languages folder, changed the wp-config.php from
    define (‘WPLANG’, ”); to define (‘WPLANG’, ‘is_IS’); saved it and upload it, but the Icelandic letters dosent come up?

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  • moshu


    Let me see it.

    Thread Starter ofi


    my site is located here https://www.almennt.com/wordpress/



    but the Icelandic letters dosent come up?
    I can see them in your post.

    Thread Starter ofi


    yes, because i wrote the post in Icelandic, i am talking about the Icelandic lang file is_IS.mo, it does not work after i edit config file and upload it.



    In which langauge is the admin panel displayed when you log in?

    Themes are NOT translated by the .mo file – themes need their own translation.

    Thread Starter ofi


    I know the themes are not translated by the .mo, in admin panel it comes in English, not Icelandic

    Thread Starter ofi


    Maybe it has something to do with the version of the .mo file, i got the latest version of the .mo file version 2.1.3, updated 1. may 2007



    Well, I downloaded that .mo file and installed it on a local installation 2.3.x and it works.

    Thread Starter ofi


    mmm thats weird, i have follow everything. step by step, been using wordpress before. this is weird, made snapshop of location of .mo file

    and snapshot of cofig.php file

    see anything wrong in this ?

    Thread Starter ofi


    moshu! did you use version. 2.3.3 with that .mo file

    Thread Starter ofi


    Any idea why this is not working !

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