Icons cover text!
Good day
First off all I have to say im am I am very disappointed about what this plugin brings for the price – nothing cool. And then it doesn’t even work.
I bought the Premium version because of the icons. But they are pointless now because the icons cover the text and the text is therefore not readable!Next I want to have higher fields, I tried allse with CSS – nothing works.
Would I know what I know now I would not buy it anymore. But now I have it, maybe you can help
Hi @smiklau
The icons shouldn’t cover the text – maybe there’s some conflicting CSS, or maybe your form code has some errors.
Could you please paste your form code here for me to check? And if your website or form is public, could you send me a link so that I can debug?
I’m unsure what you mean by “higher fields”, you might have to elaborate or send a screenshot example.
<p class=”ozy-full-input”>ANGABEN ZUR BUCHUNG:</p>
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[text* text-413]
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[text* text-870]
[md-text label=”Anreisedatum” icon=”date_range” outlined=”yes” desktopwidth=”6″]
[date* arrive]
[md-text label=”Abreisedatum” icon=”date_range” outlined=”yes” desktopwidth=”6″]
[date* depart]
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[/md-text][md-text label=”Geburtstdatum” outlined=”yes” desktopwidth=”6″]
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[md-text label=”Geburtsdatum Begleitung” outlined=”yes” desktopwidth=”6″]
[date* date-20]
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[/md-text][md-text label=”Postleitzahl” outlined=”yes” desktopwidth=”6″]
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<p class=”ozy-full-input”></p>
<p class=”ozy-full-input”>ANGABEN ZU PASS/ID:</p>
[md-text label=”Pass/ID Nummer” outlined=”yes” desktopwidth=”6″]
[text* your-pass]
[/md-text][md-text label=”Ausstellungsort” outlined=”yes” desktopwidth=”6″]
[text* your-village]
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[md-file label=”Passfoto/ID hochladen”]
[multifile* multifile-763 limit:1000000 filetypes:jpg|jpeg|png|pdf|doc]
[/md-form]<p class=”ozy-full-input”></p>
<p class=”ozy-full-input”>ANGABEN ZU EXTRAS:</p>
<p class=”ozy-full-input”>Hier noch ein paar Extras die Sie dazu buchen k?nnen wenn Sie m?chten. Vielleicht haben Sie diese bei der Buchnung verpasst.</p>
[md-select label=”Flugangebot ab Cebu buchen” outlined=”yes”]
[select* menu-108 “Nein. Wir m?chten keinen Flug buchen” “Nein. Wir haben schon einen Flug gebucht” “2 Pax Cebu – Siquijor ? 27’000.-” “2 Pax Siquijor – Cebu ? 27’000.-” “2 Pax Cebu – Siquijor – Cebu ? 53’000.-“]
[md-select label=”Transfer buchen” outlined=”yes”]
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[md-select label=”Tauchpaket buchen” outlined=”yes”]
[select* menu-78 “Wir m?chten kein Tauchpaket buchen” “Wir haben schon ein Tauchpaket gebucht” “6 Tauchg?nge. Preis/Person ? 11970.-” “12 Tauchg?nge. Preis/Person ? 21400.-” “18 Tauchg?nge. Preis/Person ? 31900.-” “24 Tauchg?nge. Preis/Person ? 39000.-“]
[md-select label=”Massagen buchen” outlined=”yes”]
[select* menu-74 “Wir m?chten keine Massage buchen” “Wir haben schon Massagen gebucht” “2 x 1 Std. Preis ? 1700.-” “4 x 1 Std. Preis ? 3100.-” “6 x 1 Std. Preis ? 4400.-“]
[md-textarea label=”Bemerkungen” outlined=”yes”]
[textarea your-message x3]
<p class=”ozy-full-input”></p>
<p class=”ozy-full-input”>SONSTIGE ANGABEN:</p>
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<p class=”ozy-full-input”></p>
<p class=”ozy-full-input”>HOTEL INFORMATIONEN:</p>
[md-accept label=”Bitte lesen und akzeptieren”]
[checkbox* checkbox-618 “Das Mitbringen von Essen und Getr?nken ist aus hygienischen Gründen untersagt. Wir legen Wert auf Privatsph?re und Sicherheit, darum erlauben wir keine Besucher. Bitte Tiere NICHT füttern!
Das Kawayan Holiday Resort lehnt jegliche Haftung ab. Es gelten unsere AGB‘s. Wi-Fi: Unser Netzwerk verfügt über eine begrenzte Kapazit?t (Fair Use). Die Verfügbarkeit wird nicht garantiert. Wi-Fi – ist kostenlos für unsere registrierten G?ste. DROHNEN fliegen nur erlaubt mit der Erlaubnis des Managements”]
[/md-form]<p class=”ozy-full-input”></p>
<p class=”ozy-full-input”>DIGITALE UNTERSCHRIFT:
<p class=”ozy-full-input”>Bitte unten auf dem Pad mit Mauszeiger oder Stift unterschreiben. Sie best?tigen hiermit die Richtigkeit Ihrer Angaben:</p>
<p class=”ozy-full-input”>[signature* signature-434 background:#ffffff cols:761 “Unterschrift”]</p>
<p>[checkbox* gdpr “Ich erlaube die Verarbeitung meiner personenbezogenen Daten gem?ss DSGVO. (Pflichtfeld*)”]</p>
<p>[submit “CheckIn-Folmular abschicken”]</p>I would have liked to have the text boxes higher and the text bigger
Higher means instead of 1cm 2cm for example
But actually nothing I can set upHi @smiklau
Your theme is overriding the padding on date fields, which is making the icons overlap. You can fix the icons by adding this CSS under Appearance > Customize > Material Design Forms > Custom CSS:
#cf7md-form .mdc-text-field__input[type="date"] { padding: 12px 16px 14px 48px !important; }
Making the text boxes taller is not supported – the sizes follow Google’s Material Design guidelines and changing them requires a lot of brittle custom CSS. Sorry about that.
AngusOkay thx for that. Date is working. But all the other fields not. What do I have to enter for all the fields?
By the way, how can I add another icon which I cannot find in your choice?Hi @smiklau
For me only the dates were ever overlapping. Which browser are you using?
Anyway try changing the CSS I gave you to the following:
#cf7md-form .mdc-text-field--with-leading-icon .mdc-text-field__input, #cf7md-form .mdc-select--with-leading-icon .mdc-select__native-control { padding: 12px 16px 14px 48px !important; }
Angus@smiklau unfortunately you are limited to Material Design icons as they can be positioned reliably while other icon sets can’t.
AngusO I see ?? Thx. May you can at least help me with the font change for the field. They are to bold. Can you kindly give me a css cod to fix that design?
A sorry. Firefox I’m using
Hi @smiklau
You can choose the font for your forms in the customizer (Appearance > Customize > Material Design Forms).
AngusBut i only have one font and no choice to change weight or steyl of the font.
thats why I wrote you. This plugin costs a lot but can do almost nothing. No offense but thats the trueHi @smiklau
It looks like your website is using the Roboto font, which is also the default Material Design font. That’s why you’re seeing only one font option (usually it shows all the fonts used in your theme).
If you want the font to be lighter, you could try adding this CSS rule:
* { -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; }
Let me know if that doesn’t do what you were hoping.
This plugin costs a lot but can do almost nothing. No offense but thats the true
The plugin adds Material Design to your forms for free. The premium version lets you integrate it into your theme better with custom colours, fonts and layouts, but it still sticks to Material Design guidelines. It is not meant to be a “design your own contact form” plugin and is not advertised as such. If you have any ideas for further customization, please let me know as I’m always keen to improve the plugin ??
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