I’m aware that too much scrolling would be annoying, so what I was thinking of doing was a screenshot of a default WP install, and then having numbered balloons pointing to the various sections:
header div
header text
p text
menu div etc
This screenshot would be opened in a separate window, and in the original window would be a list of the numbers along with an explanation of the CSS involved.
The user has then just to flick between the two screens – a hassle yes, but we are talking about a huge amount of in formation.
For instance, if bubble 5 pointed at text, then it would look like:
5. The way your entered text displays is controlled by this statement in the css:
p, li, .feedback {
font: 90%/175% ‘Lucida Grande’, ‘Lucida Sans Unicode’, Verdana, sans-serif;
letter-spacing: -1px;
Changing the 90% will change the text size, while changing the 175% will change the text spacing.
If you want to change the font, alter the 4 font names to your desired choice.
Letter-spacing is self-explanatory, but try changing the value there just so you can see it’s effect.
I think some of the above suggestions are excellent, but I’m afraid they are probably beyond my capabilities.
Worth me going with my idea ?