• I have several businesses in different industries and I have been looking for a for of affiliate that could be useful across the board with all the Ecwid shopping carts. All the other software programs I have looked at were complicated and were not going to be an easy integration with my already established Ecwid cart.

    I looked at Affiliates a few months back and found it confusing and came back a few months later to look again. I found its not complicated but if your distracted and not in the right frame of mind at the time it may seem complicated. 2nd install and setup was a breeze and recommend if you had troubles first time, take a break and come back to it another day. It’s worth it!

    I already pay commissions and its a very complicated process to track the sales and after doing a test purchase with affiliate its easy to see who and how much, and marking the commission paid is as easy as the click of a button!

    While the FREE version is limited, it certainly still has a lot of the necessary options to get started and depending on your business type, I think it would be enough for a lot of businesses out there.

    I can see it working for: My party plan companies and tracking customers from a consultants referral. To be able to tweak things and also use for my fundraising business to track organisations sales. To be able to track special company offers with my retailers within my wholesale manufacturing business PLUS I am sure I can find a way to make it work with some other aspects of my businesses just with the FREE version! I am looking at going to the Enterprise version to be able to get the full benefits of Affiliates.

    Every question I had I posted in the forum and found response time to be fast, efficient and extremely helpful. I am not very tech savvy [believe it or not!] and by making this clear from the start, the help I got was easy to understand and very simple.

    5 Stars even though I have not bought and tested the full version yet but, ItThinx really have an awesome product that can only get better and better! I am sold and you will be too once the penny drops and you work out its easy and will do a lot for your business.

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