• https://www.benlewis.ca/

    Well, there she is. Should be pretty much bullet-proof when it comes to browser display (short of NS 4). It’s not based on any theme template. I hacked the index and stylesheet in 1.1-2 so heavily that converting it to a set of theme files felt like saying yes to a root canal.

    I’m one of those people who’s never satisfied with their work and will work on the look of a site until the cows come home … and then go back out to pasture.

    Could write more. Feel free to ask any questions. Right now I’m gonna say goodbye though, cause it’s St. Patty’s day and I’m an hour’s commute from all the parties. ??

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  • That is nice. Hardly anyone ever does full width headers. Cool artwork too.

    That’s cool and different! Good job…. and I’d forgotten about Fiona – thanks, have to go a-hunting….

    Hey lookin good.

    Are you using the Sifr titles by Mike Davidson? Cos I tried to get em to work, but couldent manage too.

    If not, maybe you woulden’t mind pointing me to where you found how to make em.

    I like the site design. As for the ‘About’ page, it doesn’t really tell me what the site is all about. so im a little confused. Is it for folks to comment on other site design, that they’ve run across?

    Maybe you can clearify it a little bit. Like a ‘About This Site’ and then the ‘How to Post’ part below it.

    One quick heads up. In the portfolio, the ReyACT logo seems to be corrupt. Might wanna re-upload that bad boy.

    damn those mongrels at Sony! SO she’s been in a cardboard box all this time? Nice looking site by the way ??

    Nice site, cool design

    Thread Starter bwahahax


    Chad: I’m using the Image Headlines code by ColdForged.


    It was pretty easy to set up, but the headlines just don’t seem to render as nicely as they do in Mac OS X. Ah well…

    The About page was originally supposed to be a community site where anything and everything would be posted, so the page was meant to be instructional. I’m planning on rewriting it soon. Design’s always first on my list, content comes second. I’m sure there’s something wrong with that, but I just can’t change my ways.

    The logo looks fine at my end . . . not really sure what the issue might be. Anyone else not able to view it? It’s under Portfolio: Graphic Design: RyeSAC Logo.

    P.S. I replied to your comment on Zelda. To reiterate, Paper Mario 2 = Great Game!

    Very nice design and lay-out!

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