Ideas for features: prompts suggestions
As commented before I have two related ideas for new features:
1/ Allow some prompts in the chat popup: as users may not know what to ask, give the ability to set suggested prompts backend and to display those suggested prompts in the chatbot.
2/ Allow to select a prompt option frontend that will NOT be displayed as the real prompt, in order for your pro users to keep the real prompt hidden from users.
Example :
Imagine a website dedicated to wine.
User sees the suggested prompt string: “Surprise me” in the chat pop-up.
The admin set up, backend, that “Surprise me” suggested prompt launches, in fact, the ChatGPT prompt “Give a story about wine that is funny or original or not well known”.2 benefits:
For the user: Sees only a short string rather than a big prompt (big prompts are often better to give quality answers… but they are not user friendly).
For the admin: He can engineer the prompt without telling its user what is its secret recipe to get great answers from chatgpt.As commented earlier, prompt engineering will become a strategic skill, and I believe some websites will add a lot of value with pre-written (and secret) prompts.
It may sound weird but it will make users dependant of the website rather than copying its prompt directly into the free chatgpt… this will make the website running pro AI Engine “unique” !
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