• Add after and before, no just one.

    No use one specific width or if I use 0 quit it. Width no is necessary if you don’t use iframe. use SDK Javascript is responsive.
    No use one specification language, facebook take language automatic, quit that.
    Large/small specification data-size=”small” or large
    And can be height how 24px but no is available in face.

    For make it much better, you can add social share option aside, up or down, how “simple share-buttons adder plugin”, so you have like and shares in one plugin. And can be also like from google option. All in one box and plugin.

    Another possibility is make differents address face like buttons in widgets, how one for the website address, another for posts, another for page facebook, so in widget you can choice what url use.

    The plugin is ok, is very good, thanks.
    If you can improve it and no use iFrame will be much better!.-


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