• Plugin Author Peter Booker


    Hi guys,

    We are looking for your input as we develop the plugin further. We are always interested in improving the user experience, so let us know if you have any ideas or suggestions.

    We are especially interested in how we can help users better display their Tweets on their websites and how we can help developers access and manipulate the data directly, to use in their own way.


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  • Love the plugin! One thought…

    Including cashtag parsing would be a great addition to this plugin.

    The regex to match a valid cashtag (taken from twitter-text):

    cashtag = /[a-z]{1,6}(?:[._][a-z]{1,2})?/i;
    validCashtag = regexSupplant('(^|#{spaces})(\\$)(#{cashtag})(?=$|\\s|[#{punct}])', 'gi');

    The parsed cashtag should link to https://twitter.com/search?q=<url-encoded cashtag>&src=ctag

    All the best!

    Plugin Author Peter Booker


    Hi Dan Rossiter,

    Thank you for the suggestion and providing the details. I have just had a look and am now implementing this feature. It should be in the next update.


    Sorry if this has already been suggested or asked. Is there a way to only have the feed on one page of a website? If not, I think that would be an excellent settings option.



    Plugin Author Peter Booker


    Hi thehopelight,

    You can use the Shortcode to display the feed on a single page only. More information here.

    Thank you for your super quick response!

    It could be interesting if we could change the “Sorry, no tweets found” message. Actually, I change it in the plugin code myself each time I update it.

    Plugin Author Peter Booker


    Hi luciendub,

    You shouldn’t be seeing that message much, ideally never. If you are having problems with the plugin, resulting in that showing, please let me know.

    Why are you changing the message? Does it seem misleading to you? What do you change it to?

    I change the message because my website is in french.

    Plugin Author Peter Booker


    Ah okay, the plugin has support for translations, via the .pot file in the /languages/ folder if that is something you are comfortable with. If you wanted to translate the plugin into French I would be happy to include it with the plugin (to save you needing to take action every update).

    Otherwise editing the important strings each update is fine too.

    Ok I will use the .pot file. Thank you!

    Plugin Author Peter Booker


    Excellent, if you haven’t been through the process before, this seems like a good guide: https://www.gabsoftware.com/tips/a-guide-for-wordpress-plugins-translators-gettext-poedit-locale/

    If you need any help, let me know!

    Hi there,

    I’m very impressed with this plugin; my previous Twitter widget was causing 503’s followed by site lock-outs, so not exactly ideal! Beautiful to style as well: https://www.bht.org.uk

    I’ve seen previous requests for the ability to add more than one account to a site. Any idea when this feature will be ready? It would make this plugin unbeatable.


    Plugin Author Peter Booker


    Hi BHT Design,

    Thank you for the support, it is great to see the plugin live on a website!

    I am having more teething problems with the next plugin Kebo Social than I had expected. Once I get that plugin stable, I will be able to introduce the second version of the Twitter Feed plugin (which will include multiple accounts). At the moment that looks like it will be around 2-4 weeks time, unless any other large issues crop up during that period.

    I have a suggestion could you please list the shortcode(s) in settings? You keep mentioning there is a shortcode but never revealed what it is.

    Correction you do display it, on the plugins website under other notes, but would be helpful it it was on the settings page.

    Also do you ever plan on support multiple tweeter feeds? It would have it’s uses. e.g. multiple admins, news sources, etc

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