Anon, I think you missed the point, and there’s no need for that kind of attitude or language. The point wasn’t so much the design as it was the fact that it *still* contained the content. Root even said so. It’s considered copyrighted material, is marked as such, and from the sounds of things, no attempt was made to denote where it came from.
Secondly, if the design was something that had been bought and paid for by Root, and he has the license (authority) to use it, that doesn’t give someone else the right to just rip it off w/o proper citations. I mean, that’s like copying it right out of the encyclopedia word for word, sticking your name on it and handing it in as *your* report. Just because you *can* doesn’t mean you *should* – nor does it gove you the right to do so. Crap, if it was that easy, I’d copy down some of the novles I’ve read and sell them as my own.
Until Root desides to come back and let us know how it goes, the matter isn’t really up for debate anymore. I suspect they saw the design, liked it, did a “Save As” and have been tinckering with it to see if it will fit their needs. There really isn’t anything wrong with that (although it would have been nice if they asked.)