• These guys here have (one) stolen my old index file including my 3d design (two) are adapting it for commercial use and (three) are still calling the posts and comments from my ****** blog server. They might make more sales if they worked out how to install WordPress. Have a nice day fellas.
    Edit: Error. The posts / comments are not being called. They have just lifted my index including the post content at that time . Sorry.

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  • Thread Starter Root


    Tx for that. Complaint now lodged with cedant. Further e to Jim Kerr to follow.

    Thread Starter Root


    Well if you have anything of mine which is being published on the internet I would be very grateful if you would go and delete it straight away. Particularly if it has my design credit on it and has not been licensed for your use.

    Thread Starter Root


    Well I think you were trivialising and unfairly representing the substance of my complaint. This is not and never has been about *design theft*. This is completely different. Surely you can see that? Or not?

    from whatiscopyright.org:

    Anybody who uses, copies or distributes my material in any manner, for commercial or personal purposes, without my written permission, would be committing an infringement of my copyright. If I, at any moment, detect a violation of my copyright by another individual or entity, I am entitled to assert a claim. It doesn’t matter if you are a “newbie” or if you “don’t know any better”. As a principle of law states: “Ignorance of the Law does not make one exempt from compliance thereof.”

    I am surprised that someone as obviously erudite as Beel would be ignorant of these matters.

    Thread Starter Root


    Well the *owner* and I are now in communication. Thank you.

    you are so fucking lame, get over it, the nature of the web is that you can copy any web page and use it as a basis for yours. It can’t and shouldn’t be stopped. Now if they deploy YOUR EXACT code or design on a commercial site LIVE, that’s one thing, but you’re making a big deal out of nothing and a fool out of yourself.

    Thread Starter Root


    If you read my first post you would realise this has nothing to do with design or code. Everything on my site is up for grabs. You may not have grasped fully, all the issues but thank you for your input.

    Anon, I think you missed the point, and there’s no need for that kind of attitude or language. The point wasn’t so much the design as it was the fact that it *still* contained the content. Root even said so. It’s considered copyrighted material, is marked as such, and from the sounds of things, no attempt was made to denote where it came from.
    Secondly, if the design was something that had been bought and paid for by Root, and he has the license (authority) to use it, that doesn’t give someone else the right to just rip it off w/o proper citations. I mean, that’s like copying it right out of the encyclopedia word for word, sticking your name on it and handing it in as *your* report. Just because you *can* doesn’t mean you *should* – nor does it gove you the right to do so. Crap, if it was that easy, I’d copy down some of the novles I’ve read and sell them as my own.
    Until Root desides to come back and let us know how it goes, the matter isn’t really up for debate anymore. I suspect they saw the design, liked it, did a “Save As” and have been tinckering with it to see if it will fit their needs. There really isn’t anything wrong with that (although it would have been nice if they asked.)

    Thread Starter Root


    Well there certainly isnt anything wrong with anybody helping themselves to *my* design. This is the internet. But if they trash it and leave my name on it then I care. Deeply. If they use my domain in the title – I care. If they print my blog content with further references to my domain – I care. If they reproduce my posts with references to clients and third parties – yes I really care. As to the design who cares. It is only code. I have received courteous and detailed correspondence from the operator, and hopefully the matter is now closed.

    I suspect they saw the design, liked it, did a “Save As” and have been tinckering with it to see if it will fit their needs. There really isn’t anything wrong with that (although it would have been nice if they asked.)
    You are making my point for me here, and I admit I could have expressed myself in a more appropriate manner.
    BUT – If it’s not deployed on a public website, it’s not a violation. Once again, the web was INTENTIONALLY DESIGNED in such a manner that it is possible to adapt and reuse code. I still think the original complainant is being really silly and hysterical and is clearly not too experienced; he originally thought they were hooking into his SQL! Yeesh. Some people just find spare time in their lives and look for something to be upset about.

    @anon: as the issues involved are clearly a little hard for you to understand, I suggest you go away and read up on the subject before spouting any more ill-informed nonsense. The link I posted earlier might be a good start.
    You sound a little defensive – are you staying anonymous because you’ve been accused of similar copyright violation in the past?

    If some one had hooked into *my* database, hell, ya, I’d be a little peeved about that too…. and I would take appropriate actions. That’s what led to some of the early confusion. Obviously that is no longer the case. The other issue is that the page it out there for the entire world, in a misrepresentational (is that a word) manner. Had it been hidden somewhere, no one would have been the wiser. It’s not like he went looking for them, proly just stumbled across them by accident. It would seem that Root and the “offender” have worked things out and that the issue (as far as they are concerned) is closed.

    Well his content is still there, so I don’t think I would consider it closed until it wasn’t!
    I hope it all works out properly for you, Root.

    Thread Starter Root


    Yes I know it is. And people wonder why I am mad? **** right I am.

    Uh-oh, found someone else who stole your page – here. Wink-wink, nudge-nudge.

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