• I am using a local install of WP/xampp for testing purposes and looking for a “working” IE 8 CSS3 border radius hack.

    I have found 2 so far:

    I have tried both of them and cannot can them to work. I think I may be placing those files in the incorrect directory. So… I placed the file in all directories and levels, from xampp all the way into the theme/images folder….. no luck. Then I changed the behavior:url to the absolute location for each location…. no luck.

    Any thoughts?

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  • I thought I would share my method for installing CSS3 PIE in WordPress Themes. This method has worked pretty well for me:
    In your theme functions.php add:

    if ($wp_ver >= 2.8) include(TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/widgets.php');
    function my_render_css3_pie() {
       echo '
    <!--[if lte IE 8]>
    <style type="text/css" media="screen">
       #featured .your-container-name
          behavior: url('.trailingslashit(get_bloginfo('template_url')).'js/PIE.php);   }
    add_action('wp_head', 'my_render_css3_pie', 8); ?>

    To the theme files you will upload a file. I called mine “js”. for all the PIE files. PIE_uncompressed.htc, PIE_uncompressed.js, PIE.htc, PIE.js and PIE.php. I am not sure how many of these besides PIE.php are essential but I included them all and it works which is good enough for me. Also, this method does not require that you add anything to your header and is portable because it does not require a hard coded path to the PIE files. Hope this helps someone as much as it helped me. Where I have: #featured .your-container-name you would replace this with all the CSS containers that need PIE to look right, separated by commas.

    [email protected]


    thanks dreadcarno, its working fine for me

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