IE 8 dropdown menu not working for Inove theme
I modified (heavily) the Inove theme for the website I’m working on, and I seem to have broken something that made the dropdown menus work in IE. I’m testing in IE 8, since that’s the only version I have.
The preview of Inove in extend/themes/inove does work in IE, so I must have done something significant to my version. Perhaps I’m an idiot and am not looking in the right places, but that’s why I’m asking you.
I ran my CSS through a file comparer to check it against the original version, and I just don’t see anything that I changed that should affect it at all.
The site is at
My first question would be, “Where is the code that makes the Inove dropdowns work? I can’t seem to find it in the CSS.” My second is, “What bits of the code do you want me to post for you to examine?” I will post here the bits that seem to apply to the dropdowns.
(Apologize for the length.) I don’t seem to have any idea what part of it applies, so here’s the navigation section of my modified code.
/* navigation START */ #navigation { background: url(img/ndes/nav_bar.png) center top no-repeat; border-bottom:1px solid #A6A6A6; margin-left:-12px; margin-right:-12px; padding-left:12px; padding-right:12px; } #menus li { display:inline; list-style:none; } #menus li a { background:transparent url(img/ndes/nav_bg.png) center no-repeat; display:block; color:#FFF; height:44px; line-height:36px; padding:0 20px; margin-left:-10px; text-decoration:none; font-size:14px; float:left; z-index:1; } #menus li a:hover, #menus li a.current { background-position:50% -44px; } #menus li.current_page_item a, #menus li.current-cat a { background-position:50% -88px; } #menus li.current_page_item a:hover, #menus li.current-cat a:hover, #menus li.current_page_ancestor a:hover { background-position:50% -132px; } #menus li.current_page_ancestor a { background-position:50% -88px; } #menus li a.home { background: url(img/ndes/nav_home.gif) no-repeat; background-position:50% -1px; width:45px; padding:0; margin-left:0; text-indent:-999em; } #menus li a.home:hover { background-position:50% -45px; } #menus li.current_page_item a.home { background-position:50% -1px; } #menus li a.lastmenu:hover { background-position:0 0; cursor:default; } #searchholder { background: url(img/ndes/nav_search.gif) left bottom no-repeat; float:right; /* height:138px; */ width:300px; margin:0px; padding: 102px 0px 5px 28px; } #searchbox { background: url(img/searchbox.gif) no-repeat; width:209px; height:21px; display:block; float:left; margin-top:4px; margin-right:10px !important; margin-right:5px; padding:3px 2px; } #searchbox .textfield { background:none; border:0px; width:185px; float:left; margin-right:2px; padding-left:2px; } #searchbox .button { background:none; border:0px; width:18px; height:18px; cursor:pointer; float:left; margin-top:1px; } #searchbox .searchtip { color:#999; } /* navigation END */ /* submenu START */ (Didn't change anything in here.) /* submenu END */
Any other comments/criticisms/improvements/”YOU SUCK”s about the website will be gratefully received/considered/thankfully accepted/returned with a baseball bat to the face. (I’m !serious about the baseball bat, any of you who are airport baggage checkers. Else, serious.)
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