@ElectricFeet- That worked Thank you. Tried it in my child themes stylesheet but it didn’t work there so I put it in the custom CSS and it worked perfectly.
I have a full screen background image but I had to make a RGBA color over it because the letters were hard to read but got that fixed except where I have my recent posts on the front page. The Title is big and dark enough but the snippet of words under that is to light and hard to read.
I was wanting to make a background-color: rgba(51, 153, 255, 0.1)
color behind just that text or how I can bold type it and darker black and change the font type
I am at work now and just checked the site with IE9 and it’s fine (I don’t care for IE but there are folks out there that won’t switch). It must be an issue on my home computer.
Thank you again for you and the other forum members.