• Resolved Sykat


    Mys iite is bit different than most of wordpress blog. So I decided to built a theme myself and I had 0 experience. Last week, I struggled hard and created a theme of my own.
    My theme is pretty good but not mobile friendly. It won’t be nice for mobile if I create it responsive… so I want to create a mobile version under the theme. It will be like that
    as example, home.php—>

    if (!wp_is_mobile()) :
    include 'single_m.php';
    elseif :
    /*current page codes */
    (and is this code right?)

    So, If I do this, then u know users from mobile and pc actually view contents bit different (30%) than each other in same page. I want to know what will be impact in SEO? I searched this issue but didn’t find any clue.

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  • Moderator James Huff


    There is no conclusive evidence on this, but I’d say it won’t affect anything (yet). The Google and Bing bots both seem to still browser as if they’re desktop browsers.

    Thread Starter Sykat


    Thank you… I also guessed so but didn’t have enough guts to start it all alone without any opinion.. Now I am confident.

    Moderator James Huff


    You’re welcome!

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