• Resolved berryroelfsema



    I’ve started using the [if][else] tags, but I don’t know how to code the following issue.

    I’ve a taxonomy with multiple checkboxes of a few regions in my country for vacancies. Some vacancies do not have a specific region and will automatically be assigned to all regions. To make sure they can be filtered I have to check all regions, but it will be shown like this: ‘Region1, Region2, Region3, & Region4’. Instead of how it is shown I want it to be shown like this ‘All regions’. How can this be done?

    I’ve tried [if field=”my_field_name” value=”1″ compare=”>”], but that didn’t work, because it will show the [else] will be shown if the first value is checked, not all.

    Thanks in advance,
    Berry Roelfsema

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