• Resolved hotspotdesign



    It would be very welcome to have the option to have the table cell with the quantity of items be bold or coloured, if the item quantity is more that 1 item.

    Is it possible to achieve this in anyway you know possible?

    Regards, J

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  • Plugin Contributor alexmigf


    Hello @hotspotdesign

    The easy way is with our Premium Templates extension adding the code snippet below to the customizer custom styles:

    .quantity.multiple { color:red; }

    Alternatively you could add an action hook following this documentation page: Using custom styles

    We set up our own template, added a function to the template-functions.php

    function getQuantityColour(int $number)
        if ($number > 1 )
            return 'red;color: white;';
        else if ($number = 1)
            return 'white;color: black;';

    Then changed the lines for quantity to check

    			<td class="quantity"><span style="background-color: <?php echo getQuantityColour($item['quantity']); ?>">&nbsp;<?php echo $item['quantity']; ?>&nbsp;</span></td>

    This sets the background to red with white writing when quantity is more than 1.

    Hope this helps.


    Plugin Contributor Ewout


    Thank you for your contribution @renners, nice work!

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