the screenshot shows that your feed is still fetching the image from Instagram’s CDN. This was changed to be the last resort in previous versions of Spotlight and it now tries to use local versions of the images to avoid such issues. The fact it’s still happening on your site and not on others tells us that you’re either using an older version of Spotlight or something else is interfering with our plugin in some way. Both will need further investigation.
The site is a super simple elementor site, completely up-to-date. It’s not ‘still fetching’ but it somehow broke when fetching and doesn’t manage to re-initialise to do it’s job properly.
The “update posts interval” has always been available in Spotlight’s settings as shown here in the Configuration page:
Like I said above: it doesn’t work. If it did the posts would be fetched.
If your feed continues to show grey thumbnails or doesn’t update automatically, please contact us by email so we can investigate your site setup in more detail once again. As for the updating of posts, we’ve documented the common causes for this here:
Access token not expired and cron is running without any issues. “Future Off-Facebook Activity” is a non-issue.
Now what??