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  • Hello theopinionsexpressed,
    that’s not possible at this time. Why do you need to whitelist your own IP address though? Are you getting blocked otherwise?

    Thread Starter theopinionsexpressed


    Just trying to stop myself from being logged in the Live Traffic. It’s currently logging me every time I click anything on the site, gets annoying after a while.

    Any chance you can add this functionality in an update? It’s probably not tough to implement I would imagine ??

    I just want you to be aware that if you whitelist yourself you are no longer protected against malicious code you might inadvertently be triggering yourself.

    If you are logged in as admin you should not be seeing your own traffic in the Live Traffic feed.

    I have added a feature request. Internal case number is FB1877.

    Thread Starter theopinionsexpressed


    Thank you for your reply, I looking forward to it’s addition in a future release ??

    It would indeed be nice to be able to ignore/whitelist an IP range. Seems like that should be considered a basic part of a fully featured security plugin.

    Bears repeating that one should not white list their own IP other than temporarily. I was making that mistake myself ’till I learned to mend my ways.


    Thread Starter theopinionsexpressed


    Would it be possible to add a button in the Live Traffic Real-Time activity something like “Ignore this IP”?

    Would make things nice and simple ??

    I agree with @theopinionsexpressed.
    I’m running a MultiSite and every time I log in to one of the blogs (always with the same static IP) it “clutters” my LiveTraffic overview.

    Would be great to be able to filter myself out completely. After all, I know what I was doing already. ??

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