• Hi all,

    I searched but didn’t find anything relevant.

    I am using Iimage Gallery with the standalone gallery template, and for info: no permalinks are enabled on my site (I had problems with permalinks and another plugin). The standalone gallery template is saved within the plugin folder.

    So – I place a gallery inside a post or Page, people can click on the thumbs and the standalone template gets called, and functions as it should.

    I now would like to place a link below that standalone gallery which brings people back to the page where the gallery they called up is situated, or to explain this better:

    post or page URL: /wp/?page_id=2
    standalone URL: /wp/wp-content/plugins/iimage-gallery.php?idpost=2&idg=1&idi=1
    the page to link back: /wp/?page_id=2

    With page_id=2 equalling page_id=x so that if the standalone is e.g. called from page_id=3, the user is transferred back to that as well.

    I tried with a variety of the normal WP tags, like the nav or previous post tags, but this won’t work. I’ve searched for a simple tag or action which will use the browser data, no such luck either.

    In a small site with but centralized galleries, I can provide simple html-links like:

    photogallery 1
    photogallery 2
    photogallery 3

    in the template of the standalone. But this will of course not work with galleries called from normal blog posts written on the fly.

    I’m looking for a more automated way. Something which tells the browser “on click go back to the page shown before”.

    Anyone any ideas for that?

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