• Problem – WP blog plays video on ‘index’ page, but will not play EXACT same video on any other pages of blog.


    Blog URL – https://conversionassistant.com
    2ND page with SAME FLV code – https://wp.me/P2FGk1-m

    Checking View Source, you will see that both possess the SAME embed code pointing at the SAME movie.

    Home page plays movie, Talent page does not.

    Can ANYONE explain this mystery?

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  • Your browser sees https://conversionassistant.com/talent-sign-up-here-to-be-a-conversion-assistant/ as a directory

    On the server side that equals https://conversionassistant.com/index.php?p=22

    Use the network inspector in Chrome or Firebug, and you’ll see where the files are not loading.

    Good luck, sorry I couldn’t be more help.

    Thread Starter akibahoward


    Rather than trying to see files that are not loading, I’m assuming you’re saying you don’t know how to get them TO load seeing as it really isn’t a directory.

    Cuz, your logic makes all the sense in the world. If it sees it as a directory, then of course it would be looking IN it to find the file.

    So was in an added intrigue when you read about how when I turned off ‘static’ it shut down ALL videos?

    Ok, thanks again…I’ll keep trolling…..
    (sounded weird…sorry)

    Rather than trying to see files that are not loading

    If you want to figure this out, you’re going to have to get your hands dirty. And identifying what’s not loading, well that’s part of your problem.

    I’m assuming you’re saying you don’t know how to get them TO load seeing as it really isn’t a directory.

    You assume wrong.

    Simple – use an absolute path so the files can be found, eg:




    Note the leading slash.

    So was in an added intrigue when you read about how when I turned off ‘static’ it shut down ALL videos?

    No not at all – it makes perfect sense. When page 1 is no longer the front page of the site, you have the same URL structure as page 2 – looking like a directory path.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Out of sheer curiosity… where did you get this code?

    https://conversionassistant.com/FLVPlayer_Progressive.swf isn’t a file that comes with WP, you see, so I’m wondering what directions you used to install all this?

    Thread Starter akibahoward


    It is generated in ‘dreamweaver cs4’ as mentioned above.

    AS for your solution, I tried that. In fact, while I don’t expect you to read all of my ramblings above, you may note I have tried all of those solutions.

    I have adjusted the paths back and forth, with leading slashes, dots, absolute and I have tried multiple embed styles. RAW, embedit (which worked just fine on page one), and a few others.

    AS you closed out the comment you mentioned ‘one there is no static page everything has the ‘directory’ structure.

    So that leads me back to my original question – what am I supposed to do when WP builds dynamic pages as directory looking files. Where then do I embed a video so it plays?

    OR how?


    It is generated in ‘dreamweaver cs4’ as mentioned above.

    Um… Where? Missed that part.

    AS for your solution, I tried that. In fact, while I don’t expect you to read all of my ramblings above, you may note I have tried all of those solutions.

    Yeah, you’ve got multiple forum threads going, posts on wp-hackers – heck I can hardly keep it straight. I don’t think the verbose nature of this thread is helping your cause.

    I have adjusted the paths back and forth, with leading slashes, dots, absolute and I have tried multiple embed styles. RAW, embedit (which worked just fine on page one), and a few others.

    See if you used a tool like Firebug or the network inspector in Chrome, you’d see the problem being that your SWF now loads, but it cannot locate the specified skin file.

    The normal way to do this might be to create a folder in /wp-content/ called /video/ and place your player, skins, playlist etc in there.

    Then wherever you embed, you use absolute paths to reference the player, so it’s irrelevant where the embed happens front page or interior page.

    Why the player is looking for the skin in a location relative to the page being viewed – I don’t know – that’s a question for the player. I’m sure there’s a config option for you to specify the path to the skin files.

    If you’re still fighting this, you may save yourself some frustration by finding a developer to fix.

    Best of luck

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    A quick search of the page and the first mention of dreamweaver is when you said ‘like I said above’

    Honestly, we are trying but the short answer is you don’t have a WordPress question, you have a dreamweaver one.

    Why are you trying to use dreamweaver? If you have the FLV of the movie you want to show on your site, I would just upload it (yes, like an image) and then install https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/vipers-video-quicktags/

    It has an add-on for FLV that will let you easily embed your videos, no dreamweaver required.

    Thread Starter akibahoward


    First off, thank for your engagement on this topic.

    To your point about dreamweaver – I am using it because it is my design tool. But I am ONLY using it to generate code. Period. that’s it. And we may be getting a little aside here.

    This is not a dreamweaver topic – this is about wordpress. Now admittedly it could be about my paths, or some other weird element, but I have been working with wordpress for years now, and this is a NEW and unique situation that has never happened before.

    I have done this video thing with these specialty videos before. And further, as mentioned in other posts ( as you say you read through them all) it was working on one, but not the other page.

    I have tried viper. It doesn’t solve this issue, because as I can see, and as you and others have mentioned, it is more about paths than anything else.

    Dreamweaver has very little to do with this, and my evidence is that embed code used from numerous different sources only adjust code slightly. They still have numerous lines of ‘object’ code that gets embedded. And, as noted above (I believe here) when removing the ‘static page’ setup, all embed code gets stripped out.

    So um…….


    But for the sake of confirming what we are all saying here, I am about to test the viper again…..

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    I get what you’re saying, but you’re using a non-optimal tool to generate code. (Dreamweaver writes code intended for how it manages an install, and WP is not generally the best thing to combine with it.)

    Let’s forget dreamweaver for a minute.

    You’re trying to embed … what? A SWF or an FLV?

    Thread Starter akibahoward


    Well, I embed an FLV. If you take a look at the pages now, I have reset everything to it’s original brokeness.

    https://conversionassistant.com plays the original video.

    THEN, I reset the permlink structure as it was creating this trailing slash that (only in MY mind) constitutes the directory reference. So now, it’s all open links (bad for SEO but just testing)

    Then, I reset the code. As you will see on page one, video plays. It’s an FLV with transparency…blah blah blah.

    So then, your commentary got me thinking, maybe this resides in the pathing issue.

    You were right, but it wasn’t what either of us have mentioned to this point.

    I have gotten videos to run now on two pages. The problem was the trailing slash. When I adjusted the permalink structure to default, eliminating the trailing slash, it appears all is fine now, as the browser is now looking to the root (or whereever I hae the files) to find the player and initiate the FLV.

    So, it seems for now, problem solved and ONLY because you engaged me here. I’m tellin you, if you have a project or plugin you need a donation for, GIVE ME A WEEK, and I will be launching this product and will GLADLY donate to anything you have working.

    Your mind is a great thing and it helped me solve this issue. YOU ARE THE MAN!

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    The trailing slash on permalinks? That’s … odd. But hey, man, if it works without you having to throttle things, I’m for it ??

    Sometimes you have to start thinking in a totally random direction to find the right answer, because your brain gets bogged down on ‘But it must be this!’ That’s why I always go out for a walk ??

    (I always take donations for my plugins and ebooks, but we don’t solicit here, cause it’s gauche (and against the rules). If you wanna, you will. My site’s linked off my name ?? )

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