• greetings: is it possible i am the ultimate WP know-it-NOT? ‘godaddy’ is my webhosting site. i went there first and added WP to my account so now…in theory…i can start creating my WP website/blog. however…i’m totally STUMPED. i have no idea what to do NEXT. i mean seriously, i’m really clueless. how do i ‘get started’??? i can’t seem to find an ‘administration’ page. when i type in my website url i get, what looks like a template (not the one i selected or downloaded but some generic template that’s fine enough looking, but i’m vexed. and do i just start typing ‘over’ the copy on this ‘template’ (if that’s what it is)??? and i don’t see where or how i even add pictures, much less a ‘plug-in’ for a shopping cart (eventually…once i master just getting this blog/website rolling). i’m not a total spaz (didn’t think i was) but this is really unsettling. can someone PLEASE help me out? i can’t imagine i’d be able to figure this out via ‘topics’ but i’m willing to give it a try. p.s. i’ve created a ‘blog’ on blogspot in the past, and i seriously don’t remember it being so vexing. of course, i was younger…maybe sharper??? anyway, thanks for any assistance. oh. and one more thing. when i download WP or even the ‘templates’ (in my case ‘elegant grunge’), when i open the file i don’t see what i normally expect to see…a ‘launch’ application. all that’s in them are a bunch of icons, files, etc., nothing that actually activates ‘the program’. again…something that totally confuses me. help!!! i’d love to have my blog/site by groundhog’s day…

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  • Thread Starter audreyfringe21



    so…somewhere in my WP beginner’s frenzy, i figured it out (a godaddy tech gave me the lowdown). however, prior to that, i did review lessons and i’m blown away by how CLUELESS i can be…but i’m pretty stubborn, so i’m not giving up (yet). now…i’m ‘IN’ and ready to blog away but i’d like to use a groovy template. here’s the email i thought i sent to the ‘support’ email address…and (of course) it bounced back.


    i’m desperate to start blogging with WP. normally, at this stage, i’d consider tossing in the towel (or my computer) and starting a massive bonfire so i can more easily send smoke signals out to the ‘world’ as my unique brand of social networking.

    that, or train carrier pigeons to carry my text and graphics.

    but now i’m feeling like a total outsider (this is not rare when it comes to technology) but in lieu of damning geeks, i really want to USE my WP program. it’s just that EVERY SIMPLE TASK seems fraught with ‘insider’ info and instructions and for someone like me (dinosaur. attention deficit disordred) i can’t for the life of me figure out how to crack the CODE.

    all i want to do is add some groovy themes to my WP theme directory. the TWO provided are ‘nice’ but i need something a little more ‘flashy’ (not ‘FLASH’, btw)…just a way to upload pics, maybe link (SOMEDAY) to a shopping cart (but that’s not my primary issue here).

    what’s the problem???

    i know MY problem is i’m a techno-lame.

    but can SOMEONE please just help me figure out how to get the WP templates (zillions out there for me to select from what i can see?) on to my ‘website’ so i can have some fun for a change?

    if this helps…and i can get some extra ‘advice’…i have a retail store…i’m trying to start a blog that will drive customers in to my shop. i need a way to upload pics (lots of ’em) and EVENTUALLY i’d like to add a shopping cart. nothing super sophisticated. but that’s what i’d like to eventually accomplish…someday…which at this point would seem like when hell freezes over since i’ve been up all night and on the phone w/a tech at ‘godaddy’ and while i thought i did the whole FTP thing with ‘FETCH’ to some degree of ‘success’—every time i go to my ‘themes’ directory…the same TWO themes sit there laughing at me. OR. i get a page that says i’ve ‘incorrectly’ uploaded, etc., and that my website administrator (gee, would that be ME???) should be notified.


    can someone please help me?

    many thanks,


    ….samboll…can you please help me out?
    i thought i could send a ‘question’ to ‘[email protected]’ and it bounced back.

    thanks so much…sorry i’m such a (long-winded) blockhead.


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