I’ll need to know if this behavior is caused by a conflict with a plugin or theme. Therefore i want to ask you to do the following;
you can edit the following file:
Edit LINE 47:
public function save_post( $post_id, WP_Post $post ) {
Should be:
public function save_post( $post_id, $post ) {
please reply me so, i will help you regarding
Thanks for responding.
I just did what you said
Log in on your WordPress website. (DONE)
Deactivate all non-Yoast plugins. (DONE)
Switch your theme to a standard theme like Twenty Fourteen. (DONE)
Test for the issue again. Does it still occur? (DONE)
But it was still showing me the same error
So I tried
Edit LINE 47:
public function save_post( $post_id, WP_Post $post ) {
Should be:
public function save_post( $post_id, $post ) {
Now I’m able to add a new post but the interface doesn’t look the same.
Now it is showing this error >>>
“You are currently editing the page that shows your latest posts.”