Hi Greg
As you know I love PageBuilder. I just wanted to say thank you.
Can I offer a few suggestions and ask for help on a few things please?
1. Can your List (PB) widget offer Red and White as colours for the tick marks?
2. Can your List (PB) widget offer traditional Circular and Square Bullet points?
3. Can you tell me why bullet points that are copied and pasted into Black Studio TinyMCE don’t align with the rest of the text? see here: https://professionalsectorsolutions.co.uk/solutions-business/excelling-in-customer-care/
If I try to correct them with CSS e.g.
padding: 0 20px; /* Or desired space*/
<span class="tab"><li>Hello Greg</li></span>
Then “Hello Greg” becomes indented but I lose the bullet point.
4. Can your Image (PB) widget offer an edit image hyperlink (The same as your Gallery (PB) widget? It would save me having to open another tab and editing an image to find its URL.
Ok just to recap as I’ve been so busy since I last emailed you:
5. If you look on this page: https://professionalsectorsolutions.co.uk/solutions-business/ you will see I can add images with a centre aligned caption but I am unable to make them clickable, that is make them linked images to a destination URL. How can I fix this using pagebuilder?
6. But if I insert a gallery onto a page e.g. https://professionalsectorsolutions.co.uk/greg-gallery/ How can I give each image a destination URL to a page of my choice rather than to the image’s attachment page?
7. So to follow your suggestion of inserting an image using Black Studio Tiny MCE? results in this: See image below the three Horizintal Rules on this page: https://professionalsectorsolutions.co.uk/greg-gallery/ I not sure how to centre the caption.
8. I think I have an issue with PagerBuilder’s padding, If you look on the homepage: https://professionalsectorsolutions.co.uk Is there any way to reduce the amount of padding between the metaslider and the image below it? I’ve tried replacing the image with customised text, but the blank space still looks the same. When I open the page in F12 Chrome Developer tools I can’t find any padding on either of the PageBuilder rows. What am I missing?
Thanks very much Greg