Thank you for your kind comment about my Shaped Pixels theme.
Regarding the positioning of the full gallery sized image viewing, you will need to override the CSS styling for it. You have a few options (which reminds me I should write a tutorial about that on my site) available:
1. Create a child theme – a little overkill if just for CSS changes
2. Use Jetpack’s Edit CSS module (feature) if you have this installed.
3. Use a plugin called Simple Custom CSS – Good for just CSS changes
If you have Jetpwck, then use the Edit CSS to create a custom style, otherwise if you don’t have Jetpack installed, opt in for the Simple Custom CSS plugin, which creates a custom stylesheet where you can create your own changes….see below…
You will have a few lines of CSS to add to your custom stylesheet:
.entry-attachment {
display: inline-block;
.type-attachment {
text-align: left;
.attachment .entry-content {
width: 100%;
This won’t left align the bottom navigation arrows, but can also be done with the following code:
.attachment-nav.clearfix {
text-align: left;