• I am Uploading images through the media upload and along with Faster image insert plugin.
    When i upload and insert images into a post and publish it { Like if i upload and insert 10 images and my current post id is p=120 , what it do is it will create next ten post id of the 10 uploaded image attachments.

    Like the post id 121 will be the first image attachment and that page will show the first uploaded image and it will goes till the last for p=129 and if we go to (url/post id 121) it will redirect to url/attachment_id=XXX }

    My post id increases every time by the number of images i upload.
    Is there any way to disable the creation of image attachment post id so that there is no increment in post id numbers.


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  • Thread Starter akshay1409


    Doesn’t any know how to remove that image attachments post ids option/feature of wordpress.

    Is there any alternative upload method so that wordpress doesn’t record them(post image attachments ids) in database.

    My post id increases every time by the number of images i upload.

    Correct. Also with post revisions.

    Is there any way to disable the creation of image attachment post id so that there is no increment in post id numbers.

    Not that I’m aware of. Or not without breaking WordPress.

    Why do ask? Or what are you doing that causes this to be an issue?

    Thread Starter akshay1409


    I have disabled post revisions and autosave.

    When i upload images through wordpress inbuilt media uploader
    { Like my current post id is 110 (www.blogurl.com/?p=110) and i upload and post 10 pictures in the post using the wordpress media uploader .
    Now when i will create another post it has post id of 121 (www.blogurl.com/?p=121) . Now these 10 post ids are converted to image attachments pages (like https://www.blogurl.com/?attachment_id=111 or 112 ….)
    I want that there should not be any creation of image attachments page because it takes up that many post ids .

    I want that there should not be any creation of image attachments page because it takes up that many post ids .

    I’ll repeat my question now ??

    Why do ask? Or what are you doing that causes this to be an issue? Oh, and if you migrate off of the Default Permalinks you’ll never see those IDs again…

    Thread Starter akshay1409


    My posts includes many images so with each post that I make I’m increasing the count by fifteen to twenty because there are those many images in each of them.

    This I’m assuming is affecting the size of the database. Very shortly considering the large number of posts and embedded images I’ll be in a post count of several thousands. Will that not start affecting the website access in terms of making it slower or cause other problems?

    not in the least bit. one of my sites has over 22,000 posts with a little over 34,000 images among them. I understand your concern, but having a large database won’t effect the displaying of images, because wordpress only asks for at max what you have set in the ‘reading’ section of your settings. I have mine set to ’10’, so at any one time, a page load will only load at most 10 of the posts.

    You actually want to have each image’s information inserted into your db, so you can do all kinds of cool stuff, like showing them in a gallery, displaying the first image of the post on your main page with a link to the rest, or showing stats on how many images are on your site ??



    When adding an image (with either Browser or Flash uploader)to a post it does not show at all. It show if I go to “edit” from the Gallery or Media Library. But only there.
    I have tried several different images. And themes.
    Only 1 image will show so far.
    I think the problem is that WP does not automatically create an upload folder. The only image that shows (DSC00470.JPG in the post “Billeder p? hjemmeside”)is in an upload folder created at the time I uploaded that image. Is it because I upgraded WP since?
    The link: https://www.stefanbrorsen.dk/

    My website depends on images. Please help me.

    stefan – I saw your website and I’m having the same problem… I solved it by this method:

    create an empty post and wait for wp to autosave.
    proceed to build post as normal – add image – update post when done

    It should now display image properly

    as documented here

    I’m using v2.9.1 with the atahualpa theme as well but my images are changed to 0px X 0px after I save if I don’t let wp autosave first. It worked fine last week, but today it doesn’t. Don’t know what has changed.

    Glen Friesen



    No. Waiting for auto-save does not help.
    I do not know what happens. I can load the image but it does not show in the post. Neither in the media library. It only shows a blank image, but in the right scale. What is odd is that it shows in the “edit image” window. Why there and no where else? GRRRRRR!!!!!

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