Thanks for the reply, but that’s not what I’m trying to change. I am trying to change the image caption for a static image in a page. It is not online yet; just in my computer for development at this time.
Here is the div for the image and caption:
<div id="attachment_14" style="width: 1034px" class="wp-caption alignleft"><a href="" class="grouped_elements" rel="tc-fancybox-group25" title="Furniture and Built-In Pieces" rel="lightbox-0">
<img class="size-large wp-image-14" alt="TV_untitled-0004-X2" src="" width="1024" height="848" /></a>
<p class="wp-caption-text">This is an entertainment center that was custom made for a customer. Don’t be fooled by cheaper items sold by most stores. With reasonable care, our hand crafted pieces will be treasured by generations to come.</p></div>
The only reference I see in all the css pages referenced is in themes/customizr/inc/css/blue.css – here is the reference in that stylesheet:
.wp-caption .wp-caption-text,
.entry-caption {
font-style: italic;
font-size: 12px;
font-size: 0.7rem;
line-height: 1.3em;
color: #757575;
Here is what I put into the Customizr css box to try and override that style (I included everything in the custom css box; all the other markup works as expected) (Obviously the 16 px that I put in is way too big but I always start with a value that will make it real obvious whether I am changing the right thing or not):
h1 {
font: arial;
font-size: 3em;
.wp-caption-text {
font-size: 16px;
.page h1.format-icon:before {
content: none;