• Hello, We have a recurring issue with image urls coming from the media gallery on the front-end of our website. These images have a local URL instead of the CDN url while these images are available with CDN.
    This bug appears when there are failed CDN queue files and affects only mid-sized images (large, medium, thumbnail).
    The only solution we have found that temporarily corrects this issue is to empty the queue and purge all caches.
    So we started looking in the source code of the site first.
    Here are the test results when we debug functions like get_the_post_thumbnail_url ().
    var_dump (get_the_post_thumbnail_url ()); -> return CDN url
    var_dump (get_the_post_thumbnail_url (get_the_ID (), ‘large’)); -> return local url
    This site is hosted on an AWS ElasticBeanstalk environment with a load balancer and multiple AWS EC2 instances. We have configured a CDN on W3TC: “Amazon CloudFront over S3”. Images are correctly uploaded to S3 and available through CDN.
    We do not understand why certain images are found in the queue and are no longer displayed on the site. Knowing that we would like to avoid having to empty the waiting line every time, do you have a solution for us?
    Thanks for your help

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  • Plugin Contributor Marko Vasiljevic


    Hello @ldherent

    I am sorry about the issue you are experiencing and I m happy to assist you with this.
    Are you getting the “Unsuccessful file transfer queue” Message in Performance>CDN by any chance?
    Can you please share if Export changed files automatically is enabled and if so what are the values for:
    Auto upload interval:
    Re-transfer cycle interval:
    Re-transfer cycle limit:
    Is the opinion “Only Purge CDN manually” enabled?
    Make sure that "cdn.force.rewrite": "0", is set to 0 (Check this in wp-conent/w3tc-config/master.php). If “cdn.force.rewrite”: “1” it avoided in long-term since it causes continuous reuploads of the same files.

    Thread Starter ldherent


    Thanks for your help Marko!
    Yes, we get the “Unsuccessful file transfer queue” message in Performance> CDN whenever we encounter the mentioned problem.
    The “Automatically export modified files” check box is disabled.
    The “Purge CDN only manually” check box is also disabled.
    However, the “cdn.force.rewrite” option is enabled. We have just disabled it and will monitor if the problem persists.
    have you any other recommentations about this problem ?
    Thank you for your answers

    Plugin Contributor Marko Vasiljevic


    Hello @ldherent

    Thank you for the info.
    When the files are in a failed queue – that potentially means w3tc tried to upload it but the process timed out.
    Check the status of the file in a queue and also again make sure that force rewrite is disabled.

    Thread Starter ldherent


    Hello Marko,
    I allow myself to come back to you, we still have this image problem that I mentioned previously. No changes concerning the configuration of the hosting of the site.

    We only have some images that don’t show up on the site we developed (it won’t look for images on the CDN)

    We have set up the settings that you advised us.
    I have screens from the DOM and the queue, how can I give them to you to help you?

    Thanks for your response, Louis

    Thread Starter ldherent


    Hello Marko,
    I allow myself to revive you on the subject, do you have an answer for us ?

    Thanks for your response, Louis

    Plugin Contributor Marko Vasiljevic


    Hello @ldherent

    The URLs go to the page via some non-regular way. The plugin does the best but may not know code business logic and there are still cases when code will “win” and put the original URL on-page.
    e.g. from javascript code when URL is concatenated or coming from ajax response when URLs don’t pass filter

    Thread Starter ldherent


    Hello Marko,
    We investigated further into the problem we are experiencing and understood that the W3TC source code does not rewrite the URLs of queued files.
    We are now investigating why some media files are queued, and we need your help.
    We use the TinyPNG plugin (https://fr.www.ads-software.com/plugins/tiny-compress-images/) alongside W3TC to compress media files. Do you think there is an incompatibility between these two plugins?
    Thank you in advance for your answer

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