• Today i noticed that few images in articles are not showing. I checked via ftp and those images exists, but for some reason file size is 0 kb. Not all images, but the latest that have been added. I was not able to find any similar case? Yesterday it was working fine.

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  • Hi,

    Following can be some of the reasons for this situation.

    1) The file was corrupted during transfer. This can be caused by connectivity issues between your computer and your server. You can check this by using traceroute for the domain through the command line.

    2) Full disk space on the server. If the disk space is full on the server, it will cause issues similar to this with your upload.

    3) Charset issues. Your Grid charset is UTF-8. Occasionally, if you upload a file that isn’t in this charset, you may encounter issues.

    4) Please check server error logs for more details.

    If still it doesn’t help then please contact your hosting provider.


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