• My hosting site temporarily brought down my website due to an error on their part, recently just noticed this, and after collaboration the site is back up.

    All of my formatting and images no longer show on the site. At first I thought i would just need to republish my pages on WordPress, but after trying this it has not worked.
    My website is trentondmiller.com, if you go here you can see that all of my text is scrunched up with no formatting of any kind.

    Everything looks fine from the WordPress editor, i’m seeing my images and formatting show up fine, it’s just that when i publish my changes, 1) The “Published On” date does not update, and 2) My formatting and images isn’t fixed. I can even make changes to the text and those are reflected when i hit the “update” button.

    I’m unsure if this was somehow caused by my hosting going down temporarily, or the new update to WordPress, but my website looks like crap right now and i can’t fix it.

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  • Moderator t-p


    my text is scrunched up with no formatting of any kind.

    I clicked on all three:
    About Me
    Contact Info

    I did not see any scrunching up!!

    Thread Starter trentondmiller


    My mistake for my phrasing, the text isn’t necessarily scrunched up. It is all pushed into one paragraph on each page, with no formatting or images shown. If you view the Resume page, you see this

    Career Objective A recent software engineer graduate seeking role as an entry-level developer for a company that will allow me to demonstrate my willingness to learn and advance my skills. Technical Knowledge Experienced in Data mining algorithms, SQL Database Management, mobile programming for both Android and iOS, OpenGL based Computer Graphics, and webpage programming with […]

    On my wordpress editor view of this page, these are separated out into lists, centered titles, and there is a lot more info than what is showing. I don’t understand why i am seeing […] rather than the rest of my information

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