it looks like you have some misunderstanding and mis-conception how wordpress image works
let’s say when you upload an image , 200 KB , res 1000 x 1000
at the moment you upload it , your wp will create some resized thumbnails , for how many variety , it depends on your system and plugin/theme , but let’s imagine there are 4 of them , small 100 x 100 , middle 300 x 300 , large 800 x 800 and custom size for 500 x 500
so you upload 1 image, but WP will create 4 more of them , so you will have total 5 images
something.jpg -> 200 KB
something-100x100.jpg -> 20 KB
something-300x300.jpg -> 70KB
something-500x500.jpg -> 100KB
something-800x800.jpg --> 160 KB
so you uploaded a 200 KB image , but WP will take 200 + 20 + 70 + 100 + 160 = 550 KB disk space , this is default WP doing , not related/caused by LSCWP
and if you do image optimization , as backup and webp will be created , it will be something like
something.jpg -> 150 KB optimized original
something.jpg.webp -> 120 KB webp version
something.bk.jpg -> 200 KB original backup
something-100x100.jpg -> 15 KB optimized original
something-100x100.jpg.webp -> 10KB webp version
something-100x100.bk.jpg -> 20KB backup
something-300x300.jpg -> 50KB optimized original
something-300x300.jpg.webp -> 40KB webp version
something-300x300.bk.jpg -> 70KB backup
something-500x500.jpg -> 80KB optimized original
something-500x500.jpb.webp -> 60KB webo version
something-500x500.bk.jpg -> 100KB backup
something-800x800.jpg --> 120 KB optimized original
something-800x800.jpg.webp --> 100 KB webp version
something-800x800.bk.jpg --> 160KB backup
total of 1295 KB space
This reply was modified 2 years ago by
This reply was modified 2 years ago by