Image Imports
The question I have relates to image imports. Whenever I run the importer the properties in my feed are all created perfectly in my WordPress build. The problem is that images are not uploading and so the properties remain in a state of “(Pending Image Downloads) — Draft”.
Can you offer me any suggestions as to why this is happening?
Many thanks.
As an update, I have switched debug mode on the importer and the following is the output:
Time: 14:52:21:Starting Browser-Initiated Import: Reside. Using XML Importer 5.2.0 and WP-Property
Time: 14:52:21:Memory Usage: 55.215Mb. Difference: none. Details: on process start. Memory limit: 1024M. Before admin_ajax_handler()
Time: 14:52:21:Started loading XML from source.
Time: 14:52:21:Memory Usage: 55.389Mb. Difference: 0.173Mb. Details: before wpp_make_request()
Time: 14:52:21:Memory Usage: 60.249Mb. Difference: 4.861Mb. Details: after wpp_make_request()
Time: 14:52:21:Raw feed data loaded from live source.
Time: 14:52:21:Memory Usage: 60.249Mb. Difference: -0.000Mb. Details: before XML object initialization from response (string)
Time: 14:52:21:Memory Usage: 60.494Mb. Difference: 0.245Mb. Details: after XML object initialization
Time: 14:52:21:XML Object loaded successfully from raw data.
Time: 14:52:21:Created temporary directory for import: /home/sites/
Time: 14:52:21:XML data ( 248.5 KB ), loaded from source, cached in: /home/sites/
Time: 14:52:21:Memory Usage: 60.499Mb. Difference: 0.004Mb. Details: before getting the list of XML objects (listings)
Time: 14:52:21:Memory Usage: 60.512Mb. Difference: 0.013Mb. Details: after getting the list of XML objects (listings)
Time: 14:52:21:Extracted 28 total objects from the repeating property elements query.
Time: 14:52:21:Beginning object cycle.
Time: 14:52:21:Memory Usage: 60.513Mb. Difference: 0.001Mb. Details: before parsing the list of XML objects (listings)
Time: 14:52:21:XPath rules for object #1 processed with 44 extracted attributes.
Time: 14:52:21:XPath rules for object #2 processed with 42 extracted attributes.
Time: 14:52:21:XPath rules for object #3 processed with 42 extracted attributes.
Time: 14:52:21:XPath rules for object #4 processed with 45 extracted attributes.
Time: 14:52:21:XPath rules for object #5 processed with 42 extracted attributes.
Time: 14:52:21:Stopping import due to specified pre-QC limit of 5.
Time: 14:52:21:Memory Usage: 60.713Mb. Difference: 0.200Mb. Details: after parsing the list of XML objects (listings)
Time: 14:52:21:All XPath rules processed, 5 properties remain.
Time: 14:52:21:Importing https://www.**********
Time: 14:52:21:Did not remove any old properties.
Time: 14:52:21:Beginning object cycle. We have 5 objects.
Time: 14:52:21:Memory Usage: 60.685Mb. Difference: -0.028Mb. Details: none
Time: 14:52:21:Creating new listing.
Time: 14:52:21:#1 – created #21788
Time: 14:52:21:No address found for property, reassembled it from parts: West Kington SN14 7JE
Time: 14:52:21:Memory Usage: 60.768Mb. Difference: 0.083Mb. Details: after import_object()
Time: 14:52:21:Creating new listing.
Time: 14:52:21:#2 – created #21789
Time: 14:52:22:Memory Usage: 60.831Mb. Difference: 0.063Mb. Details: after import_object()
Time: 14:52:22:Creating new listing.
Time: 14:52:22:#3 – created #21790
Time: 14:52:22:Memory Usage: 60.861Mb. Difference: 0.030Mb. Details: after import_object()
Time: 14:52:22:Creating new listing.
Time: 14:52:22:#4 – created #21791
Time: 14:52:22:Memory Usage: 60.895Mb. Difference: 0.034Mb. Details: after import_object()
Time: 14:52:22:Creating new listing.
Time: 14:52:22:#5 – created #21792
Time: 14:52:22:Memory Usage: 60.923Mb. Difference: 0.028Mb. Details: after import_object()
Time: 14:52:22:Object cycle done. Completed 4 cycles.
Time: 14:52:22:Memory Usage: 60.821Mb. Difference: -0.102Mb. Details: none
Time: 14:52:22:Beginning parent IDs association.
Time: 14:52:22:No orphan properties – association stopped.
Time: 14:52:22:Deleted the import temporary directory.
Time: 14:52:22:Attempting to call URL: https://**********/?echo_log=true&wpp_manage_pending_images=1526477570&cb=790902325
Time: 14:52:22:Properties have been imported with pending images. An additional process has been launched that will download and publish the properties.
Time: 14:52:22:Total run time 2 seconds.There is no error thrown that I can see.
This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by
Please check this article first of all –
Thanks Maria.
I did read this prior to raising the issue, and I also looked at
I have added a php.ini file in my home directory and set the parameters which are the maximum allowed by my server host:
– upload_max_filesize = 256M
– post_max_size = 256M
– max_input_vars = 10000
– memory_limit = 512M
– max_execution_time = 3000There is no htpasswd used.
mod_fcgid isn’t present on the platform.
FastCGI php processor is not used – my host uses sucgi which is an apache module instead of the php module, it’s backwards compatible and will work with any cgi.
I see an error in the the DB table wp_ud_log pertaining to the importer timeout:
API Check Error: cURL error 28: connect() timed out!
Obviously we are connecting to the server where our XML feed is hosted as the importer creates properties and adds the content related to them correctly. It’s just the image imports that are failing.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks,
PaulHow many properties do you have? Do they all in the draft?
There are around 25 properties in total of which presently I am attempting to import the first 5 in the importer configuration. The ones I have imported are all in a status of “(Pending Image Downloads) — Draft”.
ok, what about allow_url_include=on and allow_url_fopen=on on your server?
Thanks Maria… I’ll ask my host and let you know.
Hi Maria,
You are a star! The host won’t make a server-wide config change but I circumvented this by adding the configurations to my php.ini file:
allow_url_fopen = on
allow_url_include = onThanks again… this has fixed the process.
Best regards,
Glad to hear that. Thank you for feedback.
Have a good day!
This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by
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