• My site has almost 600 posts. I moved it to a new web server – same domain name. Since I am not very familiar with databases I chose to do this via the importer rather than by moving the database.

    First I moved all the media files to the new server via ftp before I started this process. I then exported the xml file and imported it to the new installation. I discovered that while the media files show on the front end, only some of the images imported as expected. The featured image is missing and there are no images associated with most posts.

    I studied things a bit more and then went into the old database and exported the wp_posts and wp_postsmeta tables. I selected the CSV version. I then replaced these two tables in the new install in hopes that it would solve my problem. I muddled my way through this, but finally figured things out.

    My issue is that more of the images are showing, but still, not all of the posts are showing their featured images and some of my posts that use galleries are missing the images.

    Can anyone provide guidance here? Where do I go from here?

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  • My issue is that more of the images are showing, but still, not all of the posts are showing their featured images and some of my posts that use galleries are missing the images.

    Check if you have your images in the correct upload folders.

    Thread Starter sjbmaine


    Yes, the images are in the correct folders – all but some of the thumbnails and the galleries are visible from the front-end.

    Can you link to a post where the images are missing?

    Thread Starter sjbmaine


    Here is the site. https://www.downeastthunderfarm.com/

    If you look at the random posts in the right column, some show the featured image, some do not. Where the featured image is not showing, I looked up that image and double checked that it was indeed copied over to the new server, and it is there, but somehow not showing when called for in WordPress.

    If I go to a post page for one of those entries that doesn’t have a featured image, when I look in the media library, there is no image associated with that post.

    When I exported the wp_post and wp_postmeta tables from the old database (which I still have access to) I exported everything. Is it possible that when I imported them, some of the entries didn’t import? Or is it possible that all the entries did not export? I seem to have the right number of actual posts on the new server, so I’m guessing it’s the data in the wp_postsmeta that is messing me up.

    If I want to export/import tables, is csv the best way to do this?

    Thank you for your time!

    It’s quite possible that some of the images were not imported/exported.

    If I want to export/import tables, is csv the best way to do this?

    Sorry, I cannot say for sure as I have never used it for moving WordPress.

    Hi sjbmaine,

    I am having exactly the same issue that you are having while moving my sites from one server to another server (same domain name). However, in my case the number of wordpress sites are 20+. Few of my featured images are missing and few of my thumbnail images are missing in all the sites.

    On doing a right click inspect element on the missing thumbnail (in chrome browser) i am able to see the url. Below is the url:

    <img src=”/home/server_name/public_html/domain_name.com//wp-content/uploads/2012/02/post_big_img_heavy1-28593_212x213.jpg”>

    which actually should have been:

    <img src=”https://domain_name.com//wp-content/uploads/2012/02/post_big_img_heavy1-28593_212x213.jpg”&gt;

    On double clicking on the image (in chrome inspect element) it opened in a new browser with the following url:


    As you can see above, its shows the wrong url with domain name repeating twice which is causing the image not to display.

    I just checked your reference website mentioned above and could see that the thumbnail images are visible. It would be great if you can share with me the solution of this problem as I need to work on 20+ websites.


    Please start your own own topic instead of posting at this months-old thread:

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