• Resolved tr1harder


    I added a new carousel gallery to a website I’m designing, but the navigation arrows are not showing up. When I am in Divi’s page builder, the arrows are seen. As soon as I exit the page builder, the arrows are gone. Is there a setting I need to change or a bug with the plugin?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • I have the same problem

    I have the same problem.

    Same here.



    did anybody get an answer to this or has solved the problem?

    Thread Starter tr1harder


    Nothing yet



    There doesn’t seem to be an answer from the developers right now. I am still on version 1.2.14 and everything is still working as intended.

    I suggest rolling back the plugin until we know for sure that the plugin is compatible with the newest version of WordPress and that no bugs are present as well.



    Same problem here with version 2.00: I see the left and right arrows while editing in the Visual Builder, but when I leave it and go to the public page, the arrows are missing (!?). I had to roll back to version 1.2.14… ??



    Might be worth contacting the developers at help[at]diviepic[dot]com.

    Plugin Support M. Asif Hossain


    Hello @tr1harder @corytrevor @hansgaita @jatoss @fabianau @carricdesign @anshelshizen,

    I full agree with @hansgaita

    Several bug reports have surfaced regarding version 2.0.0. My recommendation is for users to revert back to version 1.2.14. If you’re unable to do so through the WordPress dashboard, access this link: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wow-carousel-for-divi-lite/advanced/. Scroll down to the Download section and select version 1.2.14. Install it and you’re good to go. Here’s a screenshot for reference: https://prnt.sc/BhBvEfJTrH7d. Let’s hope the upcoming update addresses these reported issues.

    Plugin Author Fahim Reza



    @tr1harder @corytrevor @hansgaita @fabianau @carricdesign

    I appreciate your patience. I’m sorry for your trouble with the Divi Carousel Lite. It seems a minor bug went unnoticed while I was on Eid vacation.

    I have released an update (version 2.0.1) that should resolve the issue with the navigation arrows not appearing outside the Divi page builder. Please update the plugin to the latest version; the arrows should display correctly.

    If you still have problems after updating, or if you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly at fahim[at]diviepic[dot]com. I’m here to help!

    Thank you for using our products, and again, my apologies for any disruption this may have caused.

    Best regards,
    Fahim Reza

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