• My site (2beingfit.com) has lots of images and google page insight is showing image optimization should fix error.

    I would like to know-
    What is the best possible way to optimize images in wordpress without any plugin? If it’s not possible without plugin then kindly suggest about the same?

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  • I browsed around your site for a min, checking on images and it seemed to me that images in your site are very small both in dimension and in file size.

    There might be some images that are big and trigger the Google warning thing, I wouldn’t worry about it.

    Instead, I would suggest you trying to use bigger image, the ones you use on your site are small. Use 900px width image in average, optimize it in image editing software before upload to WP.

    The best way is to compress and resize the image.

    In compressing the image you could use tinypng. It got a wordpress plugin and a web tool for compressing image.

    To get the right size(width and height) use the official app on Google Chrome for the Google Page Insight.

    another option, along with above suggestions, try to load less posts per page, if you load 5 to 6 posts for main content area and load only 4 to 5 posts in ‘Popular posts’ widget. It would decrease the number of images on the page and improve page speed.

    Thread Starter aimen01


    @paulwpxp @alen @qaiser Thank you for replying. I already resize and compress the image before uploading to wordpress. But, google pageinsight still shows possiblity of further image reduction that is possible. Do i have to do something extra apart from that?

    @aimen01 if you want you could configure the blog/archive page to not display thumbnail image, only show the thumbnail image for the top first (most recent or sticky post).

    But I wouldn’t worry about it, also as mentioned in earlier post, in this particular case I would use bigger image dimension (like 900px, not some 300px) in the post content.

    Your site is a blog. Of course, there will be many images on the blog or archive page listing 10 posts or so, plus the images in the sidebar. This is why Google suggests to reduce number of images because they require http requests.

    But consider some web sites that has 5 big hero images in front page slider, or one that has big feature image in the header, those will weight more and have more page load time than your site.

    Average Page Weights Increase by 32% in 2013

    Average Page Weight Increases 15% in 2014

    If you are referring on the Homepage… the Google Page Insight are:

    Losslessly compressing https://2beingfit.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/logo.png could save 2.5KiB (44% reduction).
    – You must Compress the Logo.

    Losslessly compressing https://tpc.googlesyndication.com/…/7118392038951431527 could save 932B (3% reduction).
    – You can’t control the Photo Feed by Google.

    Thread Starter aimen01


    @alen @paulwpxp Please suggest one tool that solve all losslessly compression issue and further. I use photoshop for compression and resizing.

    @aimen01 Your Logo image is only 5KB and already in png which is the right format for this kind of image, You already got it right. Making it smaller in file size you would only save 2 KB which is almost nothing compared to other stuff.

    I wouldn’t worry about this google suggestion about images in your site, instead I would use a bigger image dimension in single post so that the article looks more professional.

    Well i would suggest you two ways:

    1) Before uploading the image, try to compress it, using a software.

    2) Use plugins to optimize your images.

    Note: In fact, work on its extension as well, like jpg, png and etc. Use the extension which will take less bytes.


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