Image optimization stuck on Optimizing
Hello i hope you are well.
When i try to optimize an image via the plugin in the wordpress dashboard, the image optimisation is stuck in Optimizing.
We have tried all the solution in the documentation but its not working.
We installed the Imagify helper plugin to see if there is some errors but there is no errors.
But we have the following errors in the PHP Log error of our server when we try to optimize an image:
Got error ‘PHP message: PHP Warning: fopen(/tmp/D8A7D8B9D9XXXXX86-D981D98A-D8B4D8A3D986-D8B9D985D984D98AD8A7D8AA-D8A7D984D8A………… WP_Http->get()\n#6 /home/…’, referer:
Do you have any solution for this?
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