• Hi
    I like this theme but there are a couple of niggles.
    first one is the featured image, when you go to a post the featured image gets overlaid by links to other posts.
    I would prefer either to not have that overlay at all or for it to appear above my featured image.

    The Text location for the article title is too high could it be towards the bottom of the image or underneath it?

    Also a little bug the author line for me reads
    blackestby Oct 2nd, 2016 Oct 11th, 2016
    it would read better as
    by blackest Oct 2nd, 2016 Oct 11th, 2016

    The front page could also be a little better
    having featured posts and latest posts on the front page it seems that i have duplicate posts on the page. since posts are appearing in both categories.
    There is no navigation that i can see for older posts. It would be nice for a more button to show older posts.

    I like to keep most navigation off the page, it helps give more of a magazine feel
    but it needs something to help the user flip the page to find an article they would like.

    That sounds like a lot of moans but honestly i haven’t found a better theme than this one.
    what would be nice is if you could swipe the page left or right to move on to the previous or next article. That would be complicated to do but what a lovely look on a tablet a borderless page so I could fit a big background image to the page would also be fantastic.



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  • Thread Starter blackest


    I’ve done a little digging the name bug seems to be in metadata.php

    specifically this section

    cho ‘<li class=””>’;
    echo ‘<span itemprop=”author” class=”author”>’;
    // check to see if the user has a url set in their meta data; if they have then use it as the rel=author link
    $user_url = get_the_author_meta(‘user_url’);
    if ( ! empty($user_url)) {
    echo ‘‘;
    __(‘ created by %s’, ‘multiloquent’),
    echo ‘
    } else {
    __(‘ by %s’, ‘multiloquent’),
    echo ‘</span>’;

    The if section seems to work with one user it says e.g by john
    the else section initially said blackestby but i added a space to the beginning of the string so now it says blackest by which is better but I’m no php expert and i would expect the %s to be replaced by blackest but it isn’t which is strange.

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