image padding and <P>
I just started my blog here but the images have no padding, also between each post there isn’t enough room.
On the first 3 posts I added on the image code when sent to the editor align=’left’ but adding border=’10’ dont make image padding.
Looks like crap…I dont know much about css but where in the style sheet I should change the image padding and how ?
And how could I have more empty room between posts?
Thanks ??
Ok I read the codex and it says to add this into the css below:
p img { padding: 0; max-width: 100%; }
img.right { padding: 4px; margin: 0 0 2px 7px; display: inline; }
img.left { padding: 4px; margin: 0 7px 2px 0; display: inline; }but I cannot add img.right or img.left to the css, should just add one .right class and on .left class?
Where should I add it exaclty?
What about the P? Man this is confusing
when you are writing content and insert an image, you can add the class to the img tag, as in
<img src="whateverpathyouuse" class="left" />
OR, and this is the more efficient way…
1) open the wp-includes/js/quicktags.js file
2) create a new quicktag entry
3) either add the new quicktag to your own style.css sheet or modify the admin.css file in the wp-admin directory to add the quicktag to the list of tools there.Here’s what you do:
1) in Manage>Files, navigate to:
2) copy one of the entries, such as:
edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_strong' ,'b' ,'<strong>' ,'</strong>' ,'b' );
and paste it below the one you copied.
3) change it to something like:
edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_leftpic' ,'Photo Left' ,' class=\"left\"' ,'' ,'' );
4) repeat for picright (copy, paste, edit to do the obvious) and save the updated file.
5) if needed, you can style the new quicktag tool by editing the wp-admin.css file in your wp-admin folder (or by adding a new style for #ed_leftpic in your style.css file in your theme)
Then, to use your new quicktag tools, refresh the page you are editing (you should see your new tools appear in the toolbar)
After you insert an image, look for that markup in the html editing field (or, if you are like me and just turn off visual editing, this will just be in the content field), place your cursor in the <img /> tag and click the “Photo Left” or “Photo Right” button as desired.
I make custom tools for all my clients’ wp sites to suit the stylesheet I create for them, from custom class headings, lists, images, etc… even an external link versus internal link tool. It’s a GREAT WordPress feature that everyone should make use of.
ty for you reply but I’m a comple nOOb and I cant even add the img.right and img.left to the css style, I guess adding the class=”left” to the image is the easy is the whole style could you plesase reply with the img.left in there? Thanks! ! ??
Description: Totally liquid three-column layout, clean and simple.
Author: Kaushal Sheth
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Name: Fluid Solution
Date: 2006-09-06
Description: Totally liquid three-column layout, clean and simple.
Author: Viktor Persson
URL: https://arcsin.seFeel free to use and modify but please provide credits.
#############################################################*//* standard elements */
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border: 1px solid #d6d3d3;
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margin-bottom: 3px;
}you really need to understand css and how to use it in combination with your markup (html) to be effective in this. I’d start with that – get a book about how to apply css to html tags and such.
you DON’T add img.left to the style sheet… you create a class in your style sheet
.left {
/*whatever other properties and values you want*/
}THEN, in the actual PAGE or POST you are writing in the admin pages, you insert an image, which means you are using the <img /> tag.
After that image is inserted, you modify the tag to add class=”left” inside it. It will automatically use the properties you’ve given to the class .left in the style sheet.
There’s a lot more to using CSS than that, though, so a better understanding of it would be really valuable to you.
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